Sponsored Programs Milestones

Academic Year 2023-2024 Annual Report

The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) is responsible for all pre-award and non-financial post-award management of sponsored activities that have resulted from a grant, contract, or cooperative agreement.

During the AY 23-24 year, the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) continued to focus internally to review, assess, and streamline processes and standard operating procedures to enhance its customer service to Drexel’s research community. OSP also worked with other units within ORI and other central offices to review and revise processes to ensure best practices in compliance as well as conformance to regulations and policies to establish best practices in research administration. Moreover, OSP has identified key areas to improve and prioritized the need for written guidance in order to provide clarity and transparency to Drexel’s research community.

OSP worked with Research Accounting Services (RAS) to establish linked fund numbers on collaborative research awards. These linked fund numbers will directly tie expenditures for direct and indirect costs for each PI, co-PI, and co-I on a project. This allows for better transparency across departments. OSP and RAS jointly provided guidance, training, and FAQs. In addition, OSP worked with a research community working group to develop a budget template.

Moreover, the Contracts Team worked on developing a draft Contracts Intake Form which went live for the research community’s use in fall 2024.

In the winter of 2024, OSP launched its Lunch and Learn Series to provide a monthly training webinar to the research community on various topics that pertain to research administration. The series will become a yearly offering due to its success.

In the spring and summer of 2024, OSP worked with Salus University to begin the process of transferring sponsored awards over to Drexel University.