Supporting & Recognizing Research Excellence: Seed Funding
The Office of Research & Innovation financially supports seed funding opportunities that stimulate and support the development of new research projects, the expansion of existing projects, as well as recognition of outstanding research performance.
Community Driven Research Day
On May 9 of this year, Drexel University participated in the 14th annual Community Driven Research Day (CDRD), an annual event founded by the Philadelphia Collaborative Violence Prevention Center and The Penn Center for Public Health Initiatives, which provides an opportunity for community-based organizations to discuss their research needs with researchers from six sponsoring academic institutions - Temple University, University of Pennsylvania, The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Drexel University, LaSalle University, and Thomas Jefferson University.
Hosted this year by the University of Pennsylvania, the event was the first step in the process to submit an application for funding. Academic researchers and representatives from community-based organizations (CBOs) who attended CDRD were encouraged to make connections with each other at the event. After partnerships were formed, and requirements met, participants were generally invited to develop a full proposal. The full proposal, co-produced by both partners, was sent to the sponsoring institution who made the awards.
This year’s competition was focused on the theme of Advancing Community Health and Safety Through Partnerships. The Research Development Team, under the auspices of ORI, was happy to contribute to the planning an execution of the event and annual competition that supports interdisciplinary, community-based participatory research in health and strengthens Drexel’s relationship with the greater Philadelphia community.