Watch: How to Properly Secure a U-Lock

In the video below, Sergeant Santiago demonstrates the proper way to secure a U-lock for your bike.

The following bulleted list summarizes the video above:

  • Come to 3219 Arch Street (Drexel Public Safety headquarters) to register your vehicles, bicycles, skateboards, or anything else of value. At no cost to you, Public Safety documents that the item belongs to you, and that will help with recovery if something were to happen to the item.
  • When securing your bike on a bike rack, make sure to use a quality U-lock. Lower quality locks can be cut easily by thieves.
  • To accurately set up your U-lock, place it through the frame of the bike and attach it to the actual, fixed bike rack.
  • It is also ideal to use a cable that runs through the front tire for extra security. If you have quick releases on your tires, DPS recommends switching those out for blocking skewers, especially if you do not have a cable. The quick releases make it much easier to remove your tires.
  • Keep a record of your bicycle (an updated photo, its serial number, distinguishing features, etc.) for easy identification if your item goes missing and is found.
  • Report any suspicious activity around bike racks (and in general!) to 215.895.2222.

Remember: You can register your property (bikes, laptops, skateboards, cell phones, larger headphones) with DPS for free by bringing them to Drexel Police Headquarters at 3219 Arch Street to be logged.