Frequently Asked Questions

How does Drexel Guardian increase safety?

Who is eligible for Drexel Guardian?

How do I register?

How do I install the Drexel Guardian app?

Why do I need a personal profile?

How do I use the Drexel Guardian app?

How do I set up a Safety Timer?

How do I connect with my Guardians?

How do I use Emergency and Tip Communication?

What is the Safety Strip?

If I switch my cell phone number and provider will I need to register my information again?

If I am inactive from Drexel for personal reasons or leave school for a semester or any length of time, will my personal profile information still be available and will I be able to use the Drexel Guardian service?

If I am a faculty or staff member and my family members also have Drexel I.D. numbers, can they register for Drexel Guardian?

Is Drexel Guardian always tracking me?

Can Public Safety track me whenever they want?

Will Drexel Guardian let other people, like my family or friends, track me?

What can I do if someone forces me to turn off Drexel Guardian?

How will Drexel Guardian help police locate me?

What if my carrier or mobile phone cannot provide Drexel Guardian with location information? Can I still use Drexel Guardian?

How does the Drexel Guardian Safety Timer feature work?

How does the EyeWitness (Send-A-Tip) feature work?