What Do Our Suppliers Need to Know About SAP Ariba?
Supplier onboarding activities will occur in PaymentWorks, not SAP.
Creating an Account in SAP
Suppliers must create an account in SAP:
- Account creation will involve establishing login credentials similar to creating a consumer shopping account on a retail website.
- Supplier onboarding information (e.g., W-9 forms, payment information, etc.) will NOT be required in SAP, only in PaymentWorks.
- SAP accounts enable suppliers to gain visibility to purchase orders (POs), create invoices from POs and check on payment status.
- Suppliers will be required to submit invoices through their SAP account.
Linked below are some useful tutorials addressing common questions suppliers may have regarding typical actions that they will perform through their SAP account:
For more in-depth training on various topics on the SAP Business Network, please view the complete playlist of training videos.