How do I ship a package?
Select the Shipping tab, and the Begin Your Shipment Form displays. Make sure all required fields (shown in bold) contain valid and accurate data before selecting Preview Shipment or Ship Now.
You may select a Ship To address from any of your address books, or enter a new address.
If you are a traveling user, you may change the Ship From or Shipper address. The Shipper address is the return address on the label and the Ship From address determines the rate and zone for your shipment. Note: Your payment method may be set by your administrator. To change your payment method, select Add Shipping Options.
Select the Service and Packaging and any valid accessories desired.
- To review the information you have entered, select Preview Shipment. This allows you to review all information entered. To change specific information, select Edit next to the information you want to change. After selecting Ship Now, the Complete a Shipment page will display, allowing you to review your shipment information before printing your shipping label or receipt.
How do I find a package or view shipped packages?
You may view your shipping history on UPS CampusShip for up to 90 days. To view your UPS CampusShip Shipping History, select View History or Void Shipment from the Shipping left-side menu. You can show your shipping history for the last day, the last 7 days, the last 30 days, or a custom date range of up to 90 days.
You can view shipment details, including package information and shipping charges, and reprint your labels and receipts (Show Detail/Receipt) for recent shipments. You can also use Shipping History to track a package (Track), void shipments (Void Shipment) made within 24 hours, intercept shipments (Request Intercept), and initiate new shipments using packages in your shipping history as a starting point (Ship Again).
The shipping history displays 10, 25, or 50 shipments at a time. For each shipment, the page displays the date your shipment was shipped, your recipient’s name, and the UPS tracking number.
You can expand or limit the number of shipments displayed in the shipping history by specifying the number of days you want to review your shipping history.
Select the number of days from the Show History For The Last list. You can select 1 day, 7 days (default), 30 days, or Custom Date Range.
If you select Custom Date Range from the Show History For The Last list, enter a start date month, day, and year, and an end date month, day, and year. (The range between the start and end dates should not exceed 90 days.) You can further customize how information is displayed in your shipping history, including the default number of days to display on the Shipping Preferences page.
Note: Some history functions may be assigned by your Administrator.
What is address validation and how does it work?
Address Validation is an automatic function that verifies the city, state, and postal code combination of the Ship To address for shipments within the U.S. If UPS CampusShip is unable to validate the combination, you will have the option to use a suggested address from an address database, revise the original address, or use the original address.
When UPS CampusShip is unable to validate the Ship To street address, the Detailed Address Validation page displays suggested addresses. You may select a suggested address, use the original address, or re-enter (modify) the original address. Changes you make to addresses can be saved in address books, if allowed by your UPS CampusShip administrator.
To activate this function, select the Perform Detailed Address Validation checkbox located on the Edit Ship To Address page or the Add Shipping Options page. UPS CampusShip street-level address validation compares the Ship To street address to a standard database of addresses.
Note: Address Validation may currently only be performed for addresses in the U.S. A database match does not guarantee that the physical address exists, or that the intended company or recipient occupies the address. Also, some new addresses may be valid but not yet in the database.
How do I track a package?
Select 'View History' or 'Void Shipment' from the left-side navigation. This allows you to view packages shipped for one day, the last seven days, 30 days, or a custom date range of up to 90 days.
Locate the desired Tracking Number in the Previous Shipments list. To track that package, select the button to the left of the shipment, then select Track. This provides summary and detailed tracking information for the selected package.
How do I void a package?
Select View History or Void Shipment from the left-side menu. This allows you to view packages shipped in the previous day, the last 7 days, the last 30 days, or a custom date range of up to 90 days.
In your Previous Shipments list, locate the package you want to void. To void that package, select the button to the left of the shipment, then select Void Shipment.
Note: Packages shipped in the last 24 hours can be voided on UPS CampusShip.
How do I intercept a shipment?
With UPS Delivery InterceptSM, you can maintain control of your packages as they move through the UPS network. This fee-based service allows you to request the intercept of packages prior to delivery. You can request that UPS perform one of the following actions: return to sender, deliver to another address, reschedule delivery, or will call. You will only be charged if your intercept request is completed.
To intercept a shipment, follow these steps:
From the Shipping tab, select View History or Void Shipment from the left-side menu.
In the Previous Shipments section of the View History or Void Shipment page, you will see a summary of your recent shipments.
If your shipment includes one package: Select the checkbox next to the shipment you want to intercept, then select Request Intercept.
If your shipment includes multiple packages: Select the checkbox next to the shipment you want to intercept, and then select Request Intercept. On the Select Packages for Intercept page, select the checkbox next to each package you want to intercept, and then select Next.
On the Packages Eligible for Intercept page, select the radio button next to the type of intercept you want to request for your package(s).
Note: The intercept request type you choose will be applied to all selected packages.
Review or modify your package selection.
Note: Packages selected on the Select Packages for Intercept page will be pre-checked. Some packages may not be eligible for intercept; if so, the reason is displayed.
When satisfied, select Next.
Regardless of your intercept type selection, UPS requires additional information to complete the request. Complete the required fields, indicated with a ♦ symbol.
Select Submit. A confirmation page is displayed.
Note: This request does not guarantee that the intercept will occur. You will only be charged if the intercept occurs.
On the Confirmation page, select the Request Intercept for Remaining Packages link if you want to request a different intercept type for the remaining packages in your shipment.
How do I specify Shipping Options?
UPS CampusShip offers numerous shipping options on the Shipping screen and the Add Shipping Options page. For example, you can arrange for Saturday delivery or request shipment notification by e-mail.
Note: UPS CampusShip shipping options depend on the UPS Service and package combination and your shipment destination; some shipping options may not be available. Also, some Shipping functions may be restricted by your Administrator.
Shipping options on the Shipping page include:
- Service
- Packaging
- Description of Goods
- Number of Packages
- Weight by Package
- Declared Value by Package
- Reference Numbers
- Return Services
- Merchandise Description
To add other options, select Add Shipping Options at the bottom of the screen. Those options include:
- Customs Value: Optional field for international shipments used to enter a numeric value to clear your shipment through customs.
- Schedule a Pickup: Check this box to schedule a pickup.
- Calculate Time and Cost: Select this link to calculate when your package will reach its destination.
- Reference 1, 2, or 3: Reference information used to further identify Package charges. Your Administrator may have assigned specific value types for your company (e.g., Charge Back Code, Client Matter Number, Purchase Order Number, etc.).
Note: Administrators may also set preferences to require or validate the Reference Number fields. For example, if a reference field called Purchase Order Number is applied to the Reference 1 field and may be required, users will be prompted to supply their Purchase Order Number when creating shipments, or choose a value from a Reference Number List. Reference numbers are often used to capture charge back codes or cost codes that link the charges incurred during shipping to a particular department or unit.
- Saturday Delivery: Select this checkbox if you need the package to arrive on Saturday. This option is available only for certain Express Services when the shipping date is Friday.
Note: Saturday Delivery Services are not available in all countries.
- Return Services: Designate any of the return services listed.
Note: Return Services are not available in all countries.
- Additional Handling: Optional field used to add a charge for any package over 60 inches or 150 centimeters in length, or any package of unusual size, shape, or packaging.
- Quantum View NotifySM: If these checkboxes are already selected, you have set this as a preference. (You can check or uncheck the boxes for any shipment, or you can change your preference settings.) These notifications alert the recipient or others that a shipment has been sent, that there has been exception, or that the shipment has been delivered. If the checkbox is selected, enter at least one e-mail address in the E-mail Address fields. The package tracking number will automatically be included in the e-mail. To include a message in the e-mail shipment notification message, enter a message up to 150 characters in the E-mail Message field.
- Delivery Confirmation: Includes Signature Required, Adult Signature Required, and other delivery confirmation options.
- Shipper Release: Selecting Shipper Release authorizes UPS to deliver the package or letter on the first attempt without receiving a signature. When Shipper Release is selected, the shipper accepts liability for the loss of the package after delivery has been made as provided for in the UPS Tariff, and Terms and Conditions of Service in effect at the time of the shipment.
Note: Shipper Release is available from US50 and Puerto Rico origins to US50 and Puerto Rico destinations.
- Merchandise: Required for international shipments originating in the U.S. and Puerto Rico. This field is used to describe the contents of the shipment.
How do I add additional packages to my shipment?
Select any number other than 1 from the Number of Packages drop-down list on the Shipping page. Or go to Add Shipping Options and select any number other than 1 from the Number of Packages drop-down list.
You can then specify information for each package in your shipment.
You may override the service type for your current shipment without changing your shipping preferences.
- Using the drop-down list, select the service you want to use.
- Then select Ship Now or Preview Shipment.
UPS On-Call PickupSM is available Monday through Saturday for customers shipping UPS CampusShip air, international, and ground packages from the United States and Puerto Rico. It is available Monday through Friday for customers shipping from Canada, Mexico and Brazil.
- To schedule UPS On-Call Pickup online, check the Schedule a Pickup checkbox on the Shipping page.
- Specify the pickup information on the UPS On-Call Pickup page, and then select Continue. You can also select on the Add Shipping Options page.
- To schedule a pickup by telephone in the U.S., Canada or Puerto Rico, call 1-800-Pick-UPS®. Otherwise, contact your local UPS office.
Note: If you do not have regular daily pickup, there is an extra charge for UPS On-Call Pickup. Any applicable charges will appear on the Preview Shipment page or on your shipping receipt. UPS On-Call Pickup Services are not available in all countries.
I placed a Pickup Request. How do I check the status of my request?
You can check the status either by using Shipping History or by using the Pickup Request Number printed on your receipt. To use Shipping History, select the button next to your shipment, then select Show Detail/Receipt. On the Shipment Details page, select the Pickup Request Number to display the status information.
How do I get UPS On-Call Pickup?
UPS On-Call Pickup service is available in major metropolitan areas, Monday through Saturday, for your ground, air, and international packages. (In Canada, UPS On-Call Pickup service is available Monday through Friday.) You can schedule a pickup on the Add Shipping Options page when creating a shipment.
If you do not have a regular daily pickup, there may be an extra charge for this service. For more information on UPS On-Call Pickup, select Resources, then UPS Customer Service, then Selecting a Service.
If you do not schedule a pickup online, you can call 1-800-PICKUPS (1-800-742-5877) to request a pickup when shipping from the United States or Canada. Otherwise, contact your local UPS office. Your UPS driver will bring the required paperwork and shipping label.
Why should I set my preferences?
Setting your shipping preferences gives you the convenience of processing single-piece shipment (shipments containing one package) using the same shipping characteristics over and over, without re-entering your shipping options. The shipping preferences will automatically be used for each new shipment you process, as long as you ship using the same shipping characteristics.
How do I ship a package from the Shipping History page?
To ship a package with details that are similar to an existing package in your Shipping History, select the button next to the shipment containing that package, then select Ship Again. Your information will be filled in on the form, and you can edit or write over details you want to change.
How do I complete an End of Day with UPS CampusShip and what documents do I need to supply to the driver?
With UPS CampusShip, it is not necessary to run an End of Day process. All packages that are shipped are reconciled at the time of shipment and the label and shipping receipt are the only documentation you will receive. It is not necessary to provide the UPS driver or any service provider with any documentation for the package unless it is a high-value shipment. For a high-value shipment, you will need to provide the driver with a second copy of the receipt, which he or she will sign. To process your shipment, the service provider scans the label on the package.
How do I order UPS supplies for future shipments?
To order supplies with a UPS account number, select the Resources tab and then select UPS Supply Ordering. If you do not have an account number, call 1-800-PICK-UPS in the U.S. or Canada or contact your local UPS office to place a supply order or to learn more about opening a UPS account.
Note: UPS Supply ordering authority must be enabled by your Administrator.
Do all authorized UPS locations accept UPS CampusShip packages?
Packages prepared using UPS CampusShip are accepted free of additional charges at all authorized UPS locations. For all other locations, call to confirm that the location accepts UPS CampusShip packages. To locate the nearest UPS location, select the Resources tab, and then select UPS Locations.
You can also select
UPS Locations on the Complete Shipment page while processing a shipment.