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Peer Review Advisory Services Agreement

The steps on this page outline the contracting and payment process for peer review advisory service providers. If your payee is considered a Peer Reviewer (details on which below), then read on to review payment processing instructions.

Guidelines for Use

Below is a snapshot of the criteria for appropriate use of the Peer Review Advisory Services agreement, but please consult the Guidelines for Use: Peer Review Advisory Services Agreement [PDF] for full details.

Service Provider Type Notes  Examples
Peer Reviewer Non-Drexel affiliated individuals providing input on a written document, grant proposal, presentation, etc. May not be used for classroom instruction.
  • A faculty member from a peer institution
  • An industry subject matter expert

Processing Payments for Occurrences of $1000 or Less

If your department or unit: 1) engages a Peer Review Advisory service provider; 2) the payment is $1000 or less; and 3) the engagement is limited to no more than five non-recurring occurrences per year – then your transaction is exempt from the University's Independent Contractor Classification Policy (review on the Policy Directory). To process the payment, please follow these instructions:

  1. Complete the Agreement: The individual being engaged by Drexel must download and complete the Peer Review Advisory Services Agreement. Save the completed PDF to your computer.
    NOTE: If the engagement involves disclosure of intellectual property, confidential or highly sensitive information or novel ideas, the department must contact for guidance on use of this Agreement or determine whether another document is appropriate to use for the activity.
  2. Submit the Agreement Through Smart Source:
    • On the Smart Source Shopping Dashboard, under Showcases, Forms and Information, select the Non-Catalog Item Form button.
    • A new window will open. Complete the form and attach the Peer Review Advisory Services Agreement PDF that was previously completed in Step 1.
    • Add this completed form (with the completed agreement attached) to your cart in order to submit for review and payment (for more information, see the Adding a Non-Catalog Item job aid PDF).
  3. Pay the Peer Review Advisory Service Provider:
    • If the Agreement is approved and the supplier already exists in Smart Source: An invoice will be auto-generated for department approval. The department will approve this invoice via Smart Source once the service has been provided. No further action is needed.
      NOTE: Supplier invoices do not need to be submitted to for services approved on the Peer Review Advisory Services Agreement.
    • If the Agreement is approved but the supplier does not exist in Smart Source: The Supplier Onboarding team under the supervision of Accounts Payable will manage the registration process and reach out to the prospective supplier to register. Once registration is complete, your requisition will be processed and payment will be processed consistent with the above bullet point.
    • If the Agreement is declined: Procurement Services will provide the department/unit with an explanation as to why the Agreement was declined and recommended next steps.

Processing Payments for Occurrences of $1,000 or More, or in Excess of Five Occurrences Per Year

Before you can engage a supplier for a payment of $1,000 or more, or for smaller payments that are expected to exceed five engagements in a calendar year, you must complete the following steps:

  1. Complete the Certification for Determination of Independent Contractor Status Form and return it to the Office of Tax Compliance to determine if the person(s) is to be classified as an Independent Contractor, as outlined in the Independent Contractor Classification Policy (review on the Policy Directory) and Guidelines for Use.
    • If the Office of Tax Compliance determines that the supplier is an Independent Contractor, complete steps 1 through 3 listed above for "Processing Payments for Occurrences of $1,000 or Less."
    • If the supplier is determined to be an employee, not an Independent Contractor, contact your Drexel Human Resources Business Partner to determine next steps for hire.

Please refer to the Independent Contractor Classification Policy (review on the Policy Directory) and Guidelines for Use for more details on the Certification process.