Why are changes, such as restrictions on holiday parties, being implemented?

Do these Guidelines cover meals purchased while traveling on Drexel business?

When is the Business Meal Expense Approval Form required and why?

When the Business Meal Expense Approval Form is required, does it need to be submitted in advance of the meal?

My department occasionally incurs meal expenses as part of faculty recruitment. Is this still permitted under the new Guidelines?

A Drexel colleague and I went out for coffee and a snack to discuss job strategies and approaches to challenges we both face. Can I be reimbursed for the expense?

I want to order $150 in prepared food for a department event. Procurement Services and my cost center approver have indicated that the expense is permitted and approved. Can I still order the food even though the cost is over the $100 catering threshold mentioned in the Guidelines?

I am holding a meeting with my team from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. because it was the only available time slot for the attendees. I feel bad asking my team to attend a meeting during the lunch hour. Can I provide a meal?

My department holds a leadership team meeting once per month. As a gesture of appreciation, we order lunch for everyone and eat during the meeting. Is this an acceptable business meal expense?

My department is holding an event for students related to an academic program we support. We would like to serve coffee and donuts to students who attend. Is this a permitted expense?

My academic department invites guest speakers at Drexel conferences/symposia to dinner with faculty and students. The dinners are a beneficial opportunity for faculty and student development and networking. Is this acceptable under the Guidelines?

An employee in my department is retiring, and we would like to hold a retirement celebration for her, including food and refreshments. Is this an allowable business meal expense?

Does the University allow the use of the P-Card for making purchases for special occasions such as birthdays, weddings, etc.?