SAP Ariba

Drexel SAP Ariba is an e-Procurement application designed to make the purchase of goods and services easier for faculty and professional staff by automating the procure-to-pay process.

SAP Ariba is accessible from the Employee Tab in DrexelOne. It is the primary method to purchase goods and services at Drexel University, Drexel University Online, and The Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University. The marketplace allows faculty and professional staff to browse and shop select supplier punchout catalogs, add items to a cart, submit the requisition electronically and route requisitions to the appropriate approver. Complex purchases, such as capital equipment and professional services, and purchases from suppliers who do not have punchout catalogs will also be processed in the marketplace using the non-catalog item form or, if appropriate, sole source justification form or multi-year form.

SAP Ariba Training and Guides

Training is strongly encouraged. To review currently available training sessions and to register, please log in to Career Pathway (via DrexelOne, under the Employee tab) to review the Events Calendar for upcoming sessions. There are also resource guides covering common user experience topics, found on the SAP Ariba Training Guides webpage.

Accounts Payable

For information regarding payment processing please visit the Accounts Payable website.