Important Updates on Purchasing and Expense Management

March 17, 2020

As we continue to shift University operations in accordance with federal, state and local mandates while adhering to the best health and safety practices, please note the following with regard to purchasing and expense management:

  • All non-essential spending should be halted immediately. Our primary focus right now should be only those goods or services critical to our current state of operations. Procurement Services will be reviewing all purchases to ensure compliance with this directive. Please respond promptly to any inquiries from Procurement regarding purchases, so critical orders can be processed efficiently.
  • Procurement Services will be notifying Nestle/Ready Refresh, DocuVault, and Canon to discontinue all campus services and/or deliveries effective close of business on Friday, March 20. Should your specific area need to continue with any of these services, please reach out to to arrange delivery quantities appropriate for current staffing levels. Sourcing can also assist with discontinuing any other recurring services upon request.
  • Due to the current coronavirus situation, and consistent with Drexel University's support of social distancing to mitigate the impact of COVID-19, we are currently returning requisitions for events scheduled for the near future. Please reach out to should you have any questions.
  • All COVID-19 related expenses should be charged to the following cost centers:
    • Chart D 110001-5999
    • Chart S 111001-5999
    • Chart O 112001-5999

    Please be sure to correct any transactions that have already taken place, so they are reconciled to these specific cost centers. This only applies to unbudgeted expenses directly related to the COVID-19 emergency response.
  • There has been a significant disruption in the global supply chain, which could span several months and include significant delays and shortages. Please ensure that you are aware of the inventory of business-critical supplies for each of your areas. Our primary concerns at this point are cleaning, sanitation and personal protective equipment. This list is not exhaustive, so please reach out to Procurement to discuss any individual concerns.
  • There should be no additional purchases for remote work, as long as faculty and professional staff deemed to be able to work remotely have laptops. Should you need a laptop, please work with your supervisor and/or financial administrator to borrow one from IT that can be returned once we are back to normal operations. You may also work with your supervisor if you would like to temporarily take certain equipment from your office to your home to utilize during this time. Given the numerous options for sharing documents online, there should be little to no need for printing capabilities by remote staff.
  • The University will not be responsible for expenses associated with remote work, such as electricity, internet or phone services, office supplies, etc. Please note, Comcast is offering special Internet services during this crisis:
  • Please see our previous announcement for additional guidance on purchasing and travel.

  • Accounts Payable and Procurement Services have implemented our Business Continuity Plan and have moved to a remote work model. Please know that we remain committed to supporting the University and are fully functional as we navigate through this unprecedented situation together.