Watch Highlights From Drexel's MED Week Events

December 1, 2020

This year, Accounts Payable and Procurement Services, in collaboration with the Office of University and Community Partnerships, the LeBow College of Business, and Westphal College of Media Arts & Design, participated in Philadelphia’s 36th annual Minority Enterprise Development (MED) Week. MED Week highlights minority businesses and the resources that help them grow. Throughout the week, organizations from across the region hosted virtual events focused on this year’s theme, "Preparing for the Next Normal."

Drexel hosted four events focused on diverse businesses:

  • Navigating Supplier Diversity & Inclusion as a Latino Business Owner, for which Drexel invited some of the top supplier diversity leaders from across the country to discuss the current state of the market and areas of opportunity for Latino business owners;
  • Drexel and Digital Branding for Your Business, which explained how Drexel’s Westphal faculty and students worked with Supreme Oasis, a West Philly restaurant, to create their new logo;
  • B Smart with Your Business, Drexel University’s small business program; and
  • The Margins: But Where is the Money Going?, an event that included some of Philadelphia’s top Black CEOs and the challenges they face to obtain profitable margins that can support a sustainable business.

Check out the video above for highlights from Drexel's MED Week events!