Expense Management Reminders for Fall 2020

August 20, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to present our University with extraordinary challenges. As we join many universities across the nation in maintaining a remote format for fall, we must do our best to reconcile the unexpected budget implications for both expenses and revenue. Drexel remains committed to ensuring that faculty and professional staff have what they need to do their jobs and deliver on our promise of an excellent educational product for our students; with that in mind, we are writing to remind you of the following:

  • Nonessential spend remains prohibited. Essential purchases are those that are critical to and necessary for the core educational and business functions of the University now or the continuation of those core functions in the future. Such purchases include goods and services that directly support instruction, research and critical University infrastructure. Business cases demonstrating the rationale for requested purchases may be required prior to requisition processing.
  • Remote Work & Technology Purchases. Drexel has eased restrictions on taking office equipment home while remote work is in effect. Everyone is strongly encouraged to retrieve any items, technology or otherwise, from their office on campus that they need to complete their daily work activities. Please consult with your supervisor/department head to make any such arrangements. Purchasing technology for remote use should be viewed as a last resort when adapting to current conditions. There are often options that can be explored to replicate functions in a remote environment without incurring additional costs. Please consult with your IT support team before making any purchase and refer to the information found on Procurement's website.
  • University Travel. University travel remains prohibited, with few exceptions. A travel task force representing key areas of University travel has been assembled to provide specific guidelines, which will be shared in the very near future. Until that time, please work with your immediate supervisor for anything urgent.
  • University Events. Only those events deemed essential to the University's core business will be considered for approval, provided physical distancing requirements are followed.
  • Budget Checking. Smart Source now performs a budget check on all requisitions submitted within unrestricted cost centers. This check will be performed against the ORGN’s pooled budget, and if there is insufficient budget, the requisition will be returned to the requisitioner. These returned requisitions may be resubmitted once there is sufficient funding.
  • Continue to track any COVID-related expenses. Please be mindful that these cost centers are for tracking purposes only. They are not funded by any specified source, but rather a mechanism for the University to apply for any relief funding that may become available.
    Drexel University — Chart D 110001-5999
    Academy of Natural Sciences — Chart S 111001-5999
    Drexel University Online — Chart O 112001-5999

Procurement Services, the Office of Budget and Financial Planning, and the Office of the Provost continue to work together to support individual departments and schools in making the best financial decisions possible given the current circumstances. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Procurement Services or the Office of Budget and Financial Planning.

We are grateful for your understanding, flexibility, and dedication to Drexel, our students, and each other.