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Reflections from a first year Law major

Student Story: Nadia Hyoeun Jeon

Posted on April 17, 2023

Hi! My name is Nadia Hyoeun Jeon and I’m currently a first year student in the Kline Undergraduate Law program. I’m a BA in Law major and plan to minor in Education and Korean.

When I first joined the program, I expected classes to be strict and to the point. However, I was proved wrong with the interactive and informational nature of the law classes the Undergraduate Law program offers.

One really great class I’ve taken under the UG Law program was Professor Elena Cohen’s class on The Common Law (LAW 201). I had so much fun with this interactive class. I think one of my favorite parts was the final exam: we conducted mock trials about the legality of contracts in popular movies like “Shrek” and “The Little Mermaid.”

One aspect of the UG Law program that I really love is the program's ability to prioritize not just the student’s education, but the quality and type of education that we receive. The program is always open to new ideas and classes requested by the students, and I feel this system really allows the students to grow.

As a student ambassador, one specific talk with Associate Dean Rose Corrigan stood out to me. Dean Corrigan informed us that the UG Law program is always striving for the student’s best interests. I found this information to be super comforting, and am glad to see it in action.

I believe that one of the best decisions I have made in Drexel so far is joining the Undergraduate Law program and fulfilling my passion for law with classes that motivate me to strive for more.

Posted in Law-Plus