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Undergraduate Law Blog

Overhead view of students walking across the Drexel quad

Reflections from First-Year Kline Undergrads


From the classrooms and campus to the neighborhoods and legal institutions of the city, the Undergraduate Law program (aka UGLaw) at Drexel’s Kline School of Law offers a unique college experience for students who value challenging academics, a diverse and close-knit community, and the opportunity to incorporate real-world learning and work experiences into their undergrad studies.

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Law Lab: The City Is Your Classroom


Drexel Kline’s Undergraduate Law program believes that the best way for students to start figuring out what type of law they are interested in is to start seeing the law in action. In Law Lab (also known as LAW 102), our first year Law majors participate in field trips around the city of Philadelphia to discover the spaces, places, and people who make law work.

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Teaching Undergraduates About Where Their Tax Dollars Go


The undergraduate law program at Drexel represents a clear step forward in legal education—offering a unique opportunity to dismantle traditional barriers erected to keep fields like tax law secluded within the ivory tower of advanced degree programs.

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Reflections from a first year Law major


Hi! My name is Nadia Hyoeun Jeon and I’m currently a first year student in the Kline Undergraduate Law program. I’m a BA in Law major and plan to minor in Education and Korean.

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“I found something I wanted, I went after it, and I got it"


Before she declared the Law major offered by Drexel’s Kline School of Law, Taniyah Spencer knew that she was interested in law, but didn’t know if the field fit her.

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“All they wanted to do was help”


When Amy Dharia came to Drexel, she wanted to be a physical therapist. After learning that she wasn’t as interested in the clinical nature of the job as she first thought, she needed a new plan.

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Connecting learning, law, and life


How does a student go from a design and merchandising major to a Law major? With help from the Kline BA in Law faculty.

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The power of experiential learning


Law doesn’t live only in a classroom, and as a student in the innovative BA in Law program at Drexel’s Kline School of Law, neither will you.

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The Law Is Too Important to Be Left to the Lawyers: The Return of the BA in Law


Before a graduate degree became almost universally required to practice law in the United States, undergraduates once roamed the halls of the country’s law schools. The increase in jobs and job functions in areas adjacent to the law has encouraged some pioneering law schools to bring undergraduates back onto the law school campus.

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