The Kline School of Law has a healthy respect for the rules.
Master of Legal Studies (MLS) Program
No matter where your career takes you in business, government service or the nonprofit sector, you will be working in an environment affected by law and legal regulations. More than ever, employers are hiring professionals who have the specialized education and training to navigate laws and regulations that apply to their operations.
The U.S. News “Best Jobs” ranking lists Compliance Officer as #18 among best jobs in the business sector, and—based on U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics—projects that demand for compliance professionals will increase through 2031, adding thousands of new positions to be filled..
The Kline School of Law Master of Legal Studies program gives students the skills to understand the legal issues that all businesses and organizations face and the knowledge to help their employers comply with regulations.
Based on your specific career goals, you can choose to focus your studies in a particular field or complete a flexible MLS. Whichever path you chose, you will acquire the dynamic risk management and compliance skills employers demand.
Our programs allow students to complete their course work asynchronously online with no on-campus requirement. Through discussion boards and online interactions, our students have the opportunity to become a part of an exciting community of faculty and peers who share a passion for a wide range of legal issues.
Program Rankings has recognized Drexel as the #3 institution among the “Best 26 Accredited Online Master’s in Legal Studies Programs” for 2024. This prestigious acknowledgement underscores our commitment to delivering top-tier legal education that empowers our students to thrive in today’s complex legal landscape.
The Princeton Review has also distinguished Drexel in their esteemed list of “Best Online Master of Studies in Law Programs for 2024.” This recognition reaffirms our dedication to providing a transformative learning experience that equips you with the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in the legal field.
Expand Your Legal Knowledge
The Master of Legal Studies is a 45-quarter credit program offered entirely online, either full-time or part-time.
Choose the flexible MLS or one of eight concentrations.
- Cybersecurity and Information Privacy: Offers a comprehensive analysis of the data security and privacy regulations that businesses deal with daily, along with strategies needed to navigate them relevant to both technical and non-technical professionals.
- Financial Regulatory Compliance: Provides an exceptionally detailed study of the financial industry’s complex regulatory structure and compliance requirements, preparing you for in-demand, money-managing positions in both large and small financial institutions. Graduate Certificate is also available.
- Health Care Compliance: Offers a solid working knowledge of the rules and regulations that govern the healthcare industry–such as HIPAA and the ACA–while giving you the necessary tools to ensure that your organization complies with state and federal regulatory requirements. Graduate Certificate also available.
- Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Regulatory Compliance: Enhances your knowledge of the legal, regulatory, and ethical frameworks impacting pharmaceutical and medical device research, development, sales, marketing, and related information privacy and compliance issues.
- Human Resources Compliance: Provides the knowledge and skills you need to deal effectively with critical legal compliance issues that HR professionals encounter every day–from employee hiring and termination to employer/employee relationship management as well as negotiation, mediation and alternative dispute resolution. Graduate Certificate also available.
- Higher Education Compliance: Prepares you to understand the laws that regulate institutions and protect students, through a comprehensive study of the legal landscape in higher education with respect to such important issues as FERPA, financial aid, campus safety, risk management and accreditation. Graduate Certificate also available.
- NCAA Compliance and Sports Law: Combines a foundational understanding of law and risk management with additional coursework designed to build your compliance proficiency in NCAA regulations that govern the rules of the game–from recruitment and ethical conduct, to eligibility, special benefits and financial aid. Graduate Certificate also available.
- Criminal Law: Prepares you to work within the intricate regulatory environment of today’s criminal justice system, by providing, you with a solid grounding in criminal law and the rules of criminal procedure. Graduate Certificate also available.
- Entrepreneurship and Law: Provides you with comprehensive insight into entrepreneur lead organizations through the lens of the law and legal compliance.