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Field Clinics

Students, most of whom have been certified as legal interns, represent clients in court and administrative hearings through the field clinics, which have been developed in partnership with premier legal organizations in Philadelphia.

  • The Civil Litigation Field Clinic, which operates in tandem with the Family Law Unit of Philadelphia Legal Assistance, allows students to engage in a broad array of activities, including representing survivors of family violence in protection from abuse and custody matters. Students handle a case from the initial intake through representation and will act as the clients lead counsel. 
  • The Criminal Litigation Field Clinic, which operates in partnership with the Defender Association of Philadelphia, allows students opportunities to represent clients in preliminary hearings on felonies and to argue legal motions and try misdemeanor cases in municipal court.

The year-long program expands opportunities for hands-on legal training at the law school, giving students an authentic experience to act as attorneys, to represent individuals and entities in the community, and to standing up in court and in other legal proceedings.

Professor Richard H. Frankel

Richard H. Frankel

Associate Dean of Experiential Learning Programs

Professor Frankel has extensive experience both as an appellate advocate and as a clinical teacher. He served as a teaching fellow and supervising attorney for the Georgetown University Law Center's Appellate Litigation Program. Previously, he was the Goldberg-Deitzler Fellow for Trial Lawyers for Public Justice in Washington, D.C.


Phone: 215.571.4807

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