Apply to be an ELC Client

Our clients are early-stage start-ups without significant outside funding who have:

  • A strong, highly committed founding team
  • The ambition to build a high-impact business
  • A willingness to give back to the entrepreneurial eco-system
  • An appreciation of the educational mission of the ELC

The ELC does not assist companies that are obtaining or have previously obtained significant outside funding from angel groups or venture capitalists.

If you are not able to attach a document to this application, please email the document directly to

Contact Information
(e.g. student? which school? what year? employed? working full-time on the business?)
Business Description
(e.g. 'Just an idea,' 'Working prototype,' 'Beta users,' 'Revenues')
The ELC defines high impact ventures as ventures that have the potential for significant revenues or the potential to affect a significant population in the case of social enterprises.
Legal Needs
(Note, the clinic operates on an academic semester basis, and not during the summer or winter breaks.)
Business Plan
It does not have to be a formal plan, just whatever you are using as your current roadmap to build the business. Technical requirements: PDF file preferred. Do not include punctuation or special characters in file name.