Health Law Co-op Program

A student concentrating in Health Law must complete a practical learning experience related to health law, to complete the requirements for the concentration. Many of the co-op opportunities offered by the Co-op Program put students in the role of a transactional lawyer, whether representing a hospital or medical device manufacturer, facing both business issues and regulatory issues that are uniquely complicated in the health care industry.

The Health Law Program works with the School of Law Co-op Program to develop a select group of co-op placements for students pursuing the concentration. Health law placements in insurance, hospitals, and pharma have included GlaxoSmithKline, Albert Einstein Medical Center, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Drexel University College of Medicine, Office of General Counsel, St. Luke’s Hospital, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, and the University of Medicine & Dentistry of New Jersey.

Students also may be placed in nonprofit organizations that represent clients with disabilities, or that advocate generally on behalf of the underserved in health care. These placements have included the AIDS Law Project of Pennsylvania, the Disability Rights Network of Pennsylvania, Equality Advocates Pennsylvania, Legal Aid of Southeastern Pennsylvania, Legal Clinic for the Disabled.

Government agency placements have included the Department of Justice, Office of the United States Attorney, City of Philadelphia Law Department.

Finally, health law concentrators have the opportunity to work with local law firms like Duane Morris, LLP that have significant health law clients. 

Whether students choose to pursue one of these selected co-ops or are exploring other co-op placements, members of the Health Law Program faculty, along with the Co-op Program faculty, work with the students to support them in their placements and to provide them the educational resources needed to make the most of their experience in the field.