Professor Anil Kalhan Discusses State-Enacted Immigration Laws at NASABA Convention

June 29, 2012

Professor Anil Kalhan will discuss dynamics surrounding immigration bills and laws in Pennsylvania, Arizona and Alabama at the North American South Asian Bar Association Convention in Philadelphia on June 30.

Kalhan will join Aarti Kohli, of UC-Berkeley Law, Deepa Iyer, executive director of South Asian Americans Leading Together, and Jan C. Ting of Temple University School of Law in a panel moderated by Anil Mujumdar of Haskell Slaughter Young & Rediker LLC.

Kalhan is an expert on immigration law, criminal law, U.S. and comparative constitutional law, and international human rights law.  He  is an affiliated faculty member at the South Asia Center at the University of Pennsylvania, a faculty advisory board member for the Drexel University Center for Mobilities Research and Policy and a founding co-convener of the Drexel Summer Theory Institute.