Tips for Sustainable Travel
Travel Facts
Why does travel matter?
- It is currently 10% of the global GDP.
- The tourism field is responsible for 235 million jobs worldwide.
- Many countries have travel and tourism as a main source of income.
- By 2030, it is expected that there will be 1.8 billion international travelers per year.
Why must travel change?
- With certain types of tourism, less than 10% of the profits actually benefit and go towards the local community.
- Tourism is the 4th largest source of pollution in Europe.
- Close to 8% of the world’s global carbon emissions come from travel and tourism.
- Programs that promote “western” or “white” saviorism continue to promote systems of social oppression.
Environmental Sustainability Tips
- It is best to take direct flights. More emissions are given off on take-off and landing as it uses more fuel.
- Offset your flights with companies like “FlyGreen,” for example; however there are many other options.
- Bike, walk, or use public transportation.
- Reusable water bottle with a filter or water purifier. Avoid bottled water as much as possible.
- Reusable mug for coffee, tea, etc.
- Reusable toiletries containers (or shampoo and conditioner bars).
- Reusable shopping bags.
- Reusable straws and cutlery.
- Clothes that can be re-worn before being washed. Bring layers.
- Hand towel in your purse/pocket rather than use paper towels.
- Eco-friendly soaps, sunscreens, and bug sprays. The harsh chemicals in these products can contaminate water and hurt local flora, and fauna.
- Take shorter showers and turn off the tap when you're not using it.
- A recyclable trash bag in case there are no trash cans around.
- Eat locally-sourced, organic, seasonal food. Eat plant-based.
- Reuse hotel towels. Do not request for your towels to be washed after only one use.
- Turn off lights/Air/Heat when not in hotel or hostel room.
- Pick eco-friendly, local tour companies. Pick those that do not engage in unethical animal or environmental handling.
- i.e.- Do not feed wildlife, do not touch wildlife, and do not pay to take pictures with wildlife. Be wary of those companies that do those things.
- Ex.- Do not visit places with “animal selfies” for sale.
- Ex.- Do not visit tiger temples.
- Ex.- Do not support animal fighting (animal-to-animal or animal-to-human of any kind).
- Ex.- Do not swim with dolphins.
- Ex.- Do not ride elephants.
- These animals are often beaten into submission or drugged (sedated) for us to be able to do those things.
- Do not eat or purchase endangered species.
- Unplug electronics when not in use.
- Take short(er) showers. Some showers can use 3 gallons of water a minute!
- Leave no trace. Do not litter. Do not vandalize. Do not carve your name into things.
- Treat your travel destination like you would respect your own home.
- Use electronic tickets and not paper tickets whenever possible to save paper.
- Don’t take paper leaflets or brochures- especially if they are just going to end of in the trash. Take a picture of the information you will need.
- Do not take flora or fauna as “souvenirs” (this includes seashells).
Ethical Travel Tips
- Buy from local artisans
- Even though it may be common culture in that society, do not haggle too much as this is their livelihood.
- If volunteering or donating, be sure to go with an ongoing, established project.
- If you plan to get rid of clothing or supplies after a trip, donate or give them away to someone or a reputable charity, do not throw them away in trash.
- Do not give money to beggars- including children- as this could contribute to them being abused or trafficked for the money and/or them dropping out of school.
- If a sign says, “Do Not Enter,” do not enter. This is for your own safety and/or the safety of locals and the environment.
- Go off the beaten path. Increased tourism in developing regions often leads to higher rents and costs of food and other goods. Try a place not known or go in the off season.
- Do not take photos of humans without permission. Do not take and post photos of minors.
- Be mindful of taking photos at religious sites.
- Be mindful of the photos posted on social media.
- Be respectful of local religious norms, even if you do not follow that religion and/or it may seem offensive to you.
- Learn some of the local language. It is polite to learn how to say “hello,” “thank you,” “please,” etc.
- Spend more time in one destination. This allows you to better learn about a culture and reduces your carbon footprint by not going from one place to the next so quickly.
- Support a local social enterprise organization- a tour company that gives back to the local community somehow.
Looking for further reading on sustainable travel? Check out the links below! Note: this is not a comprehensive list as there are a lot of resources available.
Journals and Articles