Working Abroad

Working abroad, either independently or through Drexel’s Co-op Program, gives Drexel students first hand exposure to the "real world" in a foreign land. Keep in mind that finding a meaningful job overseas is a commitment and can sometimes be challenging. Our strongest advice is to be proactive and start early to explore all your options and resources.

Resources For International Job Searches

Steinbright Career Development Center: International Co-op

Students interested in Co-op Abroad should schedule an appointment with the International Co-op Manager at Steinbright Career Development Center to discuss opportunities.

Study + Co-op Programs

Consider fulfilling both study and co-op through one of Drexel’s combination programs listed on this website (UAS7 Germany Exchange, ICDS Costa Rica program, etc.)

Drexel faculty and advisors

Many Drexel staff members have worked, taught or lived abroad. Speak with them about contacts or affiliations abroad they may have.

Conferences or seminars

Look for both domestic and international conferences, workshops, or seminars given by professional organizations that interest you.

US based companies with global offices

Perhaps one of your previous co-op employers has offices located abroad. Research companies that are located both in the US and abroad that also recruit on campus. Perhaps you can begin working in the US first and then transfer abroad.

Friends and contacts from abroad

Keep in touch with contacts you made while studying abroad and tell them what you are interested in doing. These contacts would make great references and also helpful resources. This is all part of networking.

Informational interviews

Ask for an informational interview with people that have the type of job that you want. You can learn many helpful tips about the job from these experienced employees.

Online job listings

International newspapers, magazines and international web sites. Larger companies may have employment opportunities overseas, so check out their websites too. The websites listed here can be very helpful with your search.

Drexel Alumni Office

Consider contacting Drexel alumni located in the US or overseas to find out how they got started in their careers and what advice they can give you.

Remember That International Employers May Require:

Work Visa

Regulations in many countries require that an employer file for your work permit several months before you arrive. Be sure to review the Embassy Website for the host country to determine the visa requirements.

Foreign Language

To be qualified for a professional position many employers seek applicants with appropriate language skills and expertise in that particular field. To participate in Co-op Abroad, students are required to have completed 203 level or the equivalent in the language.

Graduate Education

Some employers require a more advanced degree in order to get a job overseas. If so, find out where in the US or abroad you can get this degree, and decide if this is a step you are willing to take to further your career goals.

Helpful Job-Seeking Websites

  • Intern Abroad: Searchable database of opportunities to intern abroad.
  • Jobs Abroad: Searchable database of work opportunities abroad.
  • Network for Living Abroad: This site was designed to make the transition to a new country easier. You can log on for FREE or become a member. It allows you to post questions, answers and suggestions in public forums about virtually anything regarding living abroad.
  • Student World Traveler (SWT): Allows FREE access to the SWT magazine. It’s a great site to gather information and resources about studying, working, teaching, volunteering, and interning abroad. If you can't find the information you need here, the sight can still lead you in the right direction!
  • British Universities North American Club (BUNAC): One of the largest international student associations, BUNAC can get you a visa to work in the UK for six months, or Australia and New Zealand for up to one year as well as information on traveling, working, or studying abroad. Also provides links to the largest organizations in specific countries.
  • Council Exchanges (CIEE): Council Exchanges is a division of Council On International Educational Exchanges and offers a variety of programs, exchanges, internships and extensive services to assist you in planning your work abroad experience.
  • Transitions Abroad: This monthly magazine is great for the independent traveler providing personal accounts of experiences overseas, and an extensive collection of resources for working and living abroad and program listings for studying abroad. Includes some job listings and links to other great websites.
  • JET Program: This program places US students in teaching positions in Japan. The program is competitive and applications are due in the fall of your senior year.

The US Federal Government offers many domestic and overseas internship and employment opportunities through various departments. Keep in mind that many of the overseas opportunities require fluent foreign language skills. Here is a list of a few sites to visit to get more information.