Reverse Culture Shock

You have been prepared for culture shock upon your arrival to a new and unfamiliar country, but what about reverse culture shock? Anyone who goes abroad for a long period of time is subject to experiencing reverse culture or re-entry shock. Daily routines and life finally became “normal” abroad, and now upon returning home an adjustment period is needed. You may feel that you have changed as a person and your friends and family from home may not understand you. There may be questioning of, “Why doesn’t my home country do this or do that? This was so much better back abroad.”

Furthermore, the only people that you can vent these frustrations to are those who you studied abroad with or students that have had the same experience you did. They may not be around all the time like they were on your study abroad program which can prove to be frustrating.

This feeling of reverse culture shock is normal and can come in many forms. For more information about reverse culture shock, the US State Department page has extensive resources. Check out the Staying Global in Philadelphia page for other ways to continue your international journey back here at Drexel!

Here are some on-campus events & opportunities that are meant to help with reverse culture shock:

  • Welcome/Welcome Back Dinner: Students that have been abroad are invited the term after their program to join us for dinner, talk with other study abroad students, and welcome our new inbound exchange students.
  • Study Abroad Student Ambassador Position: Twice a year our office hires several Student Ambassadors to work for our office and help with promoting and marketing studying abroad. This position is open to those who studied abroad for at least a full term. An e-mail is sent out when positions are open.