Grades & Transcripts


Free Standing Programs and Intensive Courses Abroad

You will receive letter grades for the classes taken abroad. The grades will factor into your GPA.

Exchange Programs

You will receive credit (CR) or no credit (NCR) grades for the classes taken abroad. The grades will not factor into your GPA. You will need to obtain the equivalent of a "C" or above to pass the class and receive a CR grade. The Drexel Global Office references the WES Grade Conversion Guide to determine the grade equivalents.

Study Abroad Grading Chart

Independent Study Abroad Programs

You will receive transfer credits for the classes taken abroad. Typically, you need to receive a "C" or above for credits to transfer into Drexel. Contact your academic advisor for more information about how transfer credits fit into your plan of study.


The Drexel Global office will process your grades when your transcript is received. Transcripts will be processed in the order they are received. Processing delays occur when courses are not approved or are approved incorrectly. Every class on your host university transcript must have an approved Drexel equivalent. You cannot choose to leave a course off of your Drexel transcript.

Host university transcripts should be mailed to the Drexel Global office (NOT the Registrar's office or Drexel Central):

Drexel Global
101 N. 33rd St, Suite 201
Philadelphia, PA 19104