
Drexel Global is the university’s gateway to global engagement both within the U.S. and abroad. To advance Drexel Global's mission, we lead the development of student programs, faculty opportunities, partnerships with organizations and industry, and global operations. We support and help coordinate multiple offices at Drexel that lead Global activities in their respective areas: Drexel Solutions Institute, International Co-op, International Recruitment, Institutional Advancement, International Scholar and Student Services, English Language Center, and Operations (Health and Safety, Research and Innovation, Human Resources, Business, General Counsel, Risk Management, Procurement).

Annual Report 

We are proud to share these reports that highlight Drexel’s multi-level approach to addressing global challenges and the rapid evolution of internationalization at the university. The development of these reports is a manifestation of our work over the years to build infrastructure, broaden our reach, deepen our relationships, and ultimately increase the global impact of Drexel University. We are grateful for the partnerships of Global Drexel and look forward to sharing these successes through this and future annual reports.

Past Annual Reports