Employers Line up at Drexel’s Fall Career Fair

More than 220 employers lined up to recruit from more than 1,700 students at Drexel University’s Fall Career Fair on Oct. 9. This is the largest group of employers at the fall career in the last five years, according to Peter Franks, vice provost for career education, who heads Drexel’s Steinbright Career Development Center.
With a high demand for graduates in business, engineering, and computer science, according to the National Association for Colleges and Employers (NACE), Drexel’s career center has seen a steady increase in unique job postings this year. Based on U.S. Industry hiring projections, nearly all industries represented in NACE’s Job Outlook 2014 report are planning increases to college hiring. The report also stated that employers expect to hire 7.8 percent more graduates this year than they did last year.
According to Franks, both large and small firms attended the event. Employers were most interested in hiring new college graduates with degrees in the fields of business, engineering, and computer science, as stated in the NACE survey.
Some of Drexel’s largest co-op employers attended the fair to meet and recruit students for co-ops, internships and professional opportunities after graduation. Among them were Microsoft, Comcast Corporation, GlaxoSmithKline, Lockheed Martin and more.
To promote the semiannual Career Fair, Steinbright Career Development Center looked to the hit film and book series “The Hunger Games” while creating fliers and even an online video advertisement, which can be watched here. It was one way to tell students, “May the Jobs Be Ever in Your Favor.”
More than 300,000 college students attend more than 83 higher education institutions in Greater Philadelphia. Among them, Drexel University has the largest academic career fair.