Verifying Enrollment

All certifications of enrollment can be obtained through the National Student Clearinghouse. Drexel University has authorized the National Student Clearinghouse to issue all official certifications of enrollment on behalf of the University.

Please follow the instructions to obtain your certification of enrollment:

  • Log in to DrexelOne.
  • Select the "Academics" tab. 
  • Choose the "Obtain an official certificate enrollment" link in the "Grades, Transcripts, and Records" channel. 
  • You will be taken to an informational page instructing you to request your certification through the National Student Clearinghouse.
  • Select "Continue to NSLC"
  • A new browser window will open. You will be taken out of DrexelOne and into the secure National Student Clearinghouse website.
  • Under the "Obtain an enrollment certificate menu," select either "current enrollment" or "all enrollment" and then select the "Obtain an enrollment certificate link."
  • Your certificate of enrollment will open in a new browser window in PDF format. You can select the printer icon at the top of the page to print your certificate.
  • Once done, close the page. You will be returned to the Clearinghouse site page. Please remember to log off of the Clearinghouse site.
  • Once you have logged off of the Clearinghouse site, you will be asked to close the Clearinghouse site page by selecting the "Click Here to Close the Clearinghouse Screen."
  • You will now be returned to DrexelOne on the "obtain a certification of enrollment" instruction screen. You can use the back button on the screen to return to the menu items in DrexelOne within "Student Records."

Verification of Enrollment for Prospective Students

If you require enrollment verification before the beginning of a term, you should contact Drexel Central and request that a letter of expected enrollment be sent to you. The letter will state that you are expected to begin attending the University as of the first day of the future term. In order to receive an expected letter of attendance, you must be actively enrolled for the upcoming term.

Contact Us


Monday–Friday: 9 a.m.–5 p.m.