Grades and GPA

Letter grades are given for individual courses, and grade points are used to compute GPAs for each student at the end of each term, on both a term and a cumulative basis. 

Viewing Your Grades

You can review your final grades online:

  • Log in to DrexelOne
  • Select the "Academics" tab.
  • Click the "Grades" link in the "Grades, Transcripts and Records" channel.
  • Select "Final Grades" in the list of Student Records.
  • Select the term you wish to view your grades for.

Please note, that if there is a financial hold on your account, you will not be able to view your final grades until the hold has been resolved.


Grade Grade Points
A+ 4.0
A 4.0
A- 3.67
B+ 3.33
B 3.0
B- 2.67
C+ 2.33
C 2.0
C- 1.67
D+ 1.33
D 1.0
F 0.0
AU 0.0
INC 0.0
W 0.0
CR 0.0
NCR 0.0

At the discretion of your instructor, the grade of "INC" (Incomplete) may be reported in place of a letter grade for any course in which your instructor deems that the work has not been completed and that you can complete the work within an agreed upon time (which must be in accordance with university policy and the statute of limitations governing grade changes). A grade of "INC" may be entered for you at the time grades are submitted for the course.

The conditions and terms for the completion of the course are at the discretion of your instructor and are to be mutually agreed upon by you and your instructor. It is required that a written agreement be developed between you and your instructor to clarify expectations and process. If the grade is not submitted by the agreed upon completion date specified on the incomplete course contract, the "INC" will turn into an "I/F" on your record and will be reflected in your GPA. The grade of "I/F" will be considered a permanent grade.

A GNS is recorded when your instructor does not submit a grade by the grade submission deadline. This is not a grade, but a temporary indicator that requires prompt resolution leading either to the removal of the course from your record or the assignment of a grade.

If a final grade is not submitted by the end of the following term, an administrative grade of N/F will be recorded on your transcript. If the "GNS" notation is left unresolved by the last day of classes of the next term immediately following the term that the original GNS was reported, it will become an N/F. This grade will be calculated as a failure in your GPA and is considered a permanent grade.

Earned grades of F (not assigned administratively) are permanent and cannot be changed.

Grade Point Average

The term or cumulative GPA is calculated by using the following formula:

GP = Grade Points | Credits = Credits

Drexel University computes a single, cumulative undergraduate and graduate GPA that includes all coursework you've taken at the university. The GPA is calculated to two respective decimal points and the resultant GPA is not rounded up. Only the credits earned from the first time a course is completed with a passing grade will be included in your earned and passed hours. For more details on the GPA calculation please view the University Grading Policy.

Final Grades

Final grades for each term must be assigned by the instructor within the following time frames.

  • For classes with enrollment fewer than 50: grades will be due 48 hours after the final exam
  • For classes with enrollment of 50 or more: grades will be due 72 hours after the final exam

All grades for an academic term are due at 12 p.m. on the Wednesday after the last day of Final Exam week.

The deadline for final grades for spring quarter 2023-2024 has been extended to Thursday, June 20 at 12 p.m.

Final grades will be recorded in the student's academic history starting in Week 10 of the academic term. 

Contact Us


Monday–Friday: 9 a.m.–5 p.m.