Billing Policies and Procedures

Late Fees

If you do not pay your balance in full by the due date listed on your eBill, a late fee of 1% of the outstanding balance will be assessed to your account. The late fee will appear as a charge on your next month's eBill. Late fees will continue to accrue on your account every month that you continue to have an outstanding balance due.

Late fees charged to your account become part of your overall balance due to the University and you are responsible for paying them.

If you have questions regarding late fee(s) that have been assessed to your account, please contact Drexel Central via Ask Drexel.

Financial Holds

A financial hold is placed on your student account if you fail to pay your account balance listed on your eBill by the billing due date. A financial hold prevents you from performing any of the following actions:

A financial hold will only be removed once you have covered your outstanding balance in full. If you make a payment online by eCheck or credit card, your financial hold will be lifted within 24 hours; a financial hold can also be lifted immediately if you make a full payment in-person at the Cashier's window in the Drexel Central University City Campus office.

View the registration holds and restrictions that can be placed on a student's account.

Housing Deposit

For students who reside in Drexel housing, housing deposits will be held until June. At the end of June, deposits will be applied to the student's account. If a student is assessed any housing damage charges, those charges will be deducted from the deposit before it is applied to the student's account.

Student Financial Obligation and Tuition Repayment Agreement

The Student Financial Obligation and Tuition Repayment Agreement (SFO) is designed to make students aware of their rights and responsibilities related to the bill they receive from Drexel University. Registering for classes and/or co-op generates a bill that is solely the student's responsibility to pay; to ensure that all students are aware of this responsibility, Drexel University requires all students to read the SFO and either agree or disagree to register for the upcoming term.

Reading and completing the SFO is done via DrexelOne once registration time tickets have opened for the following term. A student will be prompted to complete the SFO before they are allowed to register. If a student opts to disagree with the SFO, a hold will be placed on their account, preventing them from registering. Students are allowed to subsequently agree to the SFO and register for classes and/or co-op if they decide to after their initial response.

  Review the Agreement and Instructions for Completing Your SFO

Please note that the Student Financial Obligation is not the same as the required Enrollment Confirmation but is another pivotal process for each term of your enrollment at Drexel University.

Tuition Insurance

Drexel has partnered with GradGaurd® to offer tuition insurance.

This optional benefit can protect your investment in higher education in the event of an unforeseen, covered illness, injury, or other covered reason resulting in a withdrawal from school.

Covered Reasons for Withdrawal Can Include

  • Covered serious injury or illness such as mononucleosis, COVID-19, or a severe head injury.
  • Chronic illnesses such as an auto-immune disorder or diabetes.
  • Mental health conditions such as stress, depression, or severe anxiety.

The Tuition Insurance Plan complements our refund policy and can provide reimbursement for eligible tuition payments, room and board, and other nonrefundable expenses if you withdraw for a covered illness or injury at any time during the plan period.

Tuition insurance must be purchased before the first day of classes and is offered as a voluntary benefit to our families, your participation is not required but highly recommended. The school is not compensated for this program.

Learn more by calling GradGuard at 877.794.6603 or visiting GradGuard.

Terms, conditions, and exclusions (including for pre-existing conditions) apply. Plans only available to U.S. residents and may not be available in all jurisdictions. Recommended and provided by GradGuard, a service of Next Generation Insurance Group, LLC (NGI), the licensed agent for all insurance programs. Insurance plans include insurance benefits and assistance services. Pricing may vary by state. Insurance benefits are underwritten by Jefferson Insurance Company (NY, Administrative Office 9950 Mayland Drive, Richmond, VA 23233) rated “A+” (Superior) by A.M. Best Co. A+ (Superior) is the 2nd highest of A.M. Best's 13 Financial Strength Ratings. Non-insurance benefits/services are provided by AGA Service Company. Claims are administered by Allianz Global Assistance (AGA). AGA and Allianz Tuition Insurance are marks of AGA Service Company or its affiliates. AGA Service Company is an affiliate of Jefferson Insurance Company. Plans include insurance benefits and assistance services. Except as expressly provided for under the plan, consumer is responsible for charges incurred from outside vendors. Contact AGA Service Company at 888.427.5045 or 9950 Mayland Dr., Richmond, VA  23233 or

Tuition and Fee Explanation

Cost Explanation
Tuition Tuition is the cost associated with enrolling and participating in classes at Drexel University.
General University Fee The General Fee is assessed to all students and support services such as Student Centers, library, and informational technology. The fee entitles you to participate in student government. This fee does not cover any breakage deposits or charges.
Laboratory Fee The Laboratory Fee is assessed to all students to offset expenses associated with maintaining and purchasing equipment for student labs that are located on campus.
Student Activity Fee The Student Activity Fee is assessed to all students and funds student activities. The distribution of the funds is managed through the Student Activity Fee Allocation Committee and the Undergraduate Student Government Association.
Standardized Patient Fee The Standardized Patient Fee is assessed to students in certain majors in the College of Nursing and Health Professions.
Equipment Fee The Equipment Fee is assessed to students in certain majors in the College of Nursing and Health Professions.

Tuition and Fee Guidelines

2023–2024 Academic Year

All students will be billed when registration occurs. Any student adjusting their schedule after billing has occurred will receive an adjusted bill in the next billing period.

All undergraduate, part-time, Evening College, and graduate students will be billed based on the student's level (undergraduate or graduate) and by the college offering the course.

Coverage Exclusions

Credits hours in excess of twenty hours per scheduled class quarter are billed at the credit hour rate. Credit hours in excess of four hours per scheduled co-op quarter are billed at the credit hour rate. Credit hours taken during vacation or non-scheduled quarters will be billed at the credit hour rate for all hours less than twelve and at the full-time rate for credit hours between twelve and twenty; credit hours in excess of twenty hours are billed at the credit hour rate. Study abroad terms and courses are not included in the standard quarterly tuition and fees. Some courses and/or programs of study may have charges in addition to the standard tuition and fees.

The Drexel eBill

An overview of student billing at Drexel, including video and PDF guides, information about billing access for parents, and notification options.

Contact Us


Monday–Friday: 9 a.m.–5 p.m.