Student Financial Obligation and Tuition Repayment Agreement
The Student Financial Obligation and Tuition Repayment Agreement (SFO) is designed to make students aware of their rights and responsibilities related to the bill they receive from Drexel University. Registering for classes and/or co-op generates a bill that is solely the student's responsibility to pay; to ensure that all students are aware of this responsibility, Drexel University requires all students to read the SFO and either agree, disagree, or indicate no intention to register for the upcoming term.
Reading and completing the SFO is done via DrexelOne once timetickets have opened for the following term. A student will be prompted to complete the SFO before they are allowed to register. If a student opts to disagree with the SFO, a hold will be placed on their account, preventing them from registering. Students are allowed to subsequently agree to the SFO and register for classes and/or co-op if they decide to.
Students graduating, going on vacation, or completing a leave of absence or university withdrawal have the option to indicate "No Interest" to the SFO for the term they will not be registering for.
Below is the text of the Student Financial Obligation and Tuition Repayment Agreement that students are required to read and either agree, disagree or indicate no pending registration via DrexelOne before they can register for an upcoming term. Please note that the text below does NOT include the statements agreeing, disagreeing or indicating no pending registration.
Please Read Disclosure Carefully
Dear Student,
The document below is an Agreement outlining your legal obligations to pay all charges and costs related to your education at Drexel University. You will encounter this Agreement before every term you are eligible to register for courses and/or co-op.
Please read the Agreement and follow the directions carefully. You will need to acknowledge each item marked below as well as at the end of the Agreement, you will have to choose ONE of two options:
- Accept the terms of the Agreement, which will allow you to register for and participate in courses and/or co-op for that term.
- Decline the terms of the Agreement, in which case, you WILL NOT be able to register for or participate in courses and/or co-op for that term.
If you have any questions or require additional assistance, please contact Drexel Central at 215.895.1600, or toll free at 1.877.DREXEL.5 (1.877.373.9355).
Thank you for your attention to this important matter.
Please Read Agreement Carefully
I understand that once I am registered for a course(s) and/or participating in the Cooperative Education Program at Drexel University, I become solely responsible for payment of the resulting tuition, fees and any other balances pursuant to the Student Financial Obligation and Tuition Repayment Agreement. Regardless of any expected reliance on any third-party resource, including but not limited to financial aid, family gifts, employer reimbursement, or any other external resource, I remain personally responsible for paying any and all outstanding balances. This Agreement shall constitute a Promissory Note, obligating me to pay all outstanding balances due Drexel University. I understand that these balances are considered a Loan for Educational Purposes which is being made by Drexel University.
Further, I understand that per University Policy, payments made by me, or a third party on my behalf, may be applied to oldest Prior Term balances first, as appropriate.
Withdrawal Policy
I understand that if I am not planning to attend, it is my responsibility to drop my course(s), as Drexel University will not automatically cancel my registration. I understand that in accordance with Drexel University's Tuition Refund/Credit Schedule Policy, my effective date of withdrawal (whether it is from an individual course, multiple courses, or from Drexel University completely) will determine the amount of credit that I may be eligible to receive, if any, thereby reducing the total amount of fees owed to Drexel University. The Tuition Refund/Credit Policy and/or Add/Drop/Withdraw/Leave of Absence policy may be found at the Drexel Central website:
Failure to Pay
I understand that should I fail to pay any outstanding balances in full when due, and my account becomes delinquent, a late fee of one percent (1%) of my total outstanding balance will be assessed on a monthly basis, and added to my total outstanding balance.
I further understand that when my account becomes delinquent, Drexel University, in addition to placing a financial hold on my account, and assessing late fees, may restrict my right to register or receive other Drexel University services in accordance with Drexel University Policies, until all past due balances have been paid. These restrictions include, but are not limited to: 1) withholding future registration privileges or schedule adjustments; 2) withholding the awarding of any degree(s), diploma(s), or certificate(s); and/or 3) withholding official transcripts.
Collections for Nonpayment
I understand that should my student account become delinquent, Drexel University reserves the right to assign my delinquent account(s) to a contracted collection agency, attorney and/or credit bureau. I understand that I will be held responsible for all fees and/or costs, associated with the recovery of my delinquent account(s), including but not limited to: collection fees, attorney fees, court costs, and service fees, in addition to my outstanding balance. Collection fees and/or attorney fees will be assessed at a maximum rate of thirty three and one third percent (33 1/3) of my balance due.
Collection Activity Involving Cell Phone Numbers and E-mail Addresses
I authorize Drexel University and its agents, representatives, attorneys and contractors (including collection agencies) to contact me at my cellular telephone number or wireless communication service, now or in the future, using automated dialing systems, artificial or pre-recorded voice or text messages, or live representative calls, regarding my obligation to repay any debt I owe to Drexel University, which is/or may become past due, resulting from my registration. I authorize Drexel University and its agents to contact me at my e-mail address and/or at any other e-mail address listed to me in the future, regarding my obligation to repay any debt I owe to Drexel University, which is/or may become past due, resulting from my registration. I understand that it is my responsibility to assure the security of any e-mail address utilized for this purpose, and to protect my password information, as others may be able to review my messages and/or e-mails related to my debts sent to or from Drexel University, including their contents, which may include information about my debt and its status.
I hereby acknowledge the following:
That I have read and understand this Agreement.
That I am eighteen (18) years or older as of today's date.
That I must log into my Drexel One account to access my billing statements, and that paper bills are not generated and/or forwarded to me.
That I may have been registered for a course(s) or Cooperative Education Program assignment by my Academic Advisor or other University official, and that I am aware of this registration, and accept responsibility for this registration.
That I am physically in Philadelphia, PA when signing this Agreement. (If not physically in Philadelphia, PA when signing this Agreement, please indicate the Zip Code of your current location.): _________
That the University reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to change any aspect of its academic program, including course content, instructor, day/time, location and instructional format. The University cannot guarantee an in-person format even where noted as such in the course catalog, and reserves the right to present any course in a virtual/remote or hybrid format. Moreover, forces beyond the University's control may require that the campus be closed, yet the University may continue providing courses in a virtual/remote or hybrid format while continuing to charge regular tuition and fees.
That by clicking the "Accept" button below, and thereby electronically signing this Agreement, I am consenting to be bound by this Agreement, as of to day's date, which shall serve as a Promissory Note, thereby obligating me to pay all outstanding balances due Drexel University, and shall supersede any previous version of this Agreement.
(Statement Agreeing to SFO)
I accept all of the terms of this agreement
(Statement Disagreeing to SFO)
I do not accept the terms of this Agreement, and understand that a registration hold has been placed on my account, which PROHIBITS me from participating in any registration processes, which includes, but is not limited to, registering for courses, co-op or withdrawing from currently registered courses without the assistance of my academic advisor.
Complete the SFO
- Log in to your DrexelOne account.
- Select the Academics tab.
- Select the "Check Your Registration Information" link in the Registration channel.
- You will immediately be brought to the SFO agreement.
- To Agree with the Terms of the SFO: Select the "Acknowledge" buttons after the Collections for Nonpayment, Collection Activity Involving Cell Phone Numbers, and email addresses and, after the Acknowledgement list as well as input your Name and unique ID into the spaces provided.
- To Disagree with the Terms of the SFO: Select the "Acknowledge" buttons after the Collections for Nonpayment, Collection Activity Involving Cell Phone Numbers and email addresses and, after the Acknowledgement list, select the "Disagree" button.
If you indicated that you disagree, a hold will be placed on your account. This hold will prevent any kind of registration for the selected upcoming term. You are allowed to change your answer from "Disagree" to "Agree" at a later date. (Please note that you are NOT allowed to change your answer after you have agreed to the SFO.)
To Update Your Answer on the SFO
- Log in to your DrexelOne account.
- Select the Academics tab.
- Select the "More BannerWeb Student Services" link at the bottom of the Grades, Transcripts, and Records channel.
- Select the "Review Student Financial Obligation Agreements" link at the bottom.
- Select "No Interest/Declined" in the Status Column of the SFO Term you wish to update.
- You will be brought back to the SFO:
- To Agree with the Terms of the SFO: Select the "Acknowledge" buttons after the "Collections for Nonpayment", "Collection Activity Involving Cell Phone Numbers and E-mail Addresses" and after the "Acknowledgement" list as well as input your Name and unique ID into the spaces provided.
Contact Us
3141 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Monday–Friday: 9 a.m.–5 p.m.