Weight Management Treatment Track

The WELL Clinic at Drexel University provides state-of-the-art treatment for individuals who are experiencing negative health, social, or emotional consequences of overweight or obesity. Our clinicians are trained in the most current, proven methods for promoting healthy lifestyle changes, increasing balanced eating and physical activity, and reducing unhealthy weight control behaviors. Our goal is to help you to reach your personal goals!

Currently Available Treatments

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Individual Behavioral Weight Loss Treatment

Individual weight loss treatment involves meeting with one of our weight loss specialists for a 60-minute therapy session once per week. At your first appointment, your therapist will fully assess your concerns and recommend treatment options that are best suited to meet your recovery goals.

In individual treatment, you will learn new ways of thinking about nutrition and balance to allow for permanent positive changes in eating and physical activity behaviors. Individual treatment is the best option for those who would benefit from regular and ongoing accountability and structure while processing the individual and emotional components impacting your lifestyle changes and goals.

Individual Acceptance-Based Behavior Treatment for Weight Loss and Weight Loss Maintenance

As mentioned above, individual weight loss treatment involves meeting with one of our weight loss specialists for a 60 minute therapy session once per week. This treatment approach blends modern behavioral interventions and Eastern mindfulness techniques. You will learn cognitive, behavioral, and nutritional skills. The fundamental foundation of this treatment option is a focus on becoming aware and accepting of internal experiences while identifying your core motivating values for healthy lifestyle changes.

Schedule a Free Consultation

Schedule a free telephone assessment and learn more about how our treatment options can meet your needs.

Schedule Screening

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Complete our inquiry form for us to learn more about you and get in touch.

Contact Form

The WELL Clinic
Stratton Hall
3201 Chestnut St, 2nd Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Phone: 215.553.7500