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STEM Education

Drexel biology students in the lab

STEM research in the biology department makes use of cross-campus and national collaborations. We address questions focused on promoting the use of evidence-based pedagogical approaches in STEM classrooms; factors that affect student retention in STEM disciplines; approaches to promote incorporation of effective authentic STEM learning environments; and frameworks to promote institutional change surrounding STEM teaching and learning.

Faculty Conducting STEM Research

Contact Specialization
Dean Donna Murasko, PhD
Professor Emerita
Changes in immune response with increasing age, immune response to viruses, CD8 T cell response in virus infections
Aleister Saunders, PhD
Executive Vice Provost for Research & Innovation; Professor
104 Left Bank
Biochemistry, Genetics, Molecular/Cellular Biology
Jennifer Stanford
Professor; Department Head; Co-Director of the Center for the Advancement of STEM Teaching and Learning Excellence (CASTLE); Institutional Leader for CIRTL at Drexel

STEM Education; Effective and Inclusive Teaching; Evidence-Based Teaching; Faculty and Future Faculty Pedagogical Development; Experiential Learning; Epigenetics; Learning and Memory