Accelerated Programs

Earn Your Advanced Degree Sooner

Drexel accelerated degree student Julie Park, Global Studies (BA, '23) and Business Administration (MBA candidate, '24)

Julie Park, an accelerated degree scholar in Global Studies and Business Administration, found the perfect mentor through the Dragon Network.

Earn your advanced degree sooner — Drexel University's College of Arts and Sciences 17 accelerated degree programs allow academically qualified undergraduate students to earn a bachelor's degree and a master's degree concurrently. The college also offers streamlined pre-professional programs for students interested in a career in Medicine or Law, allowing them to graduate sooner than they would in traditional MD or JD programs.

About Accelerated Programs

Undergraduate students are encouraged to learn more about accelerated programs and how they can apply by reviewing Drexel University’s Accelerated, Combined, and Bridge Degree Programs. Questions? Please don't hesitate to contact your undergraduate adviser in the College of Arts and Sciences.

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Arts and Sciences Programs

Eligibility and Requirements

Depending on the academic program, eligible undergraduate students can be admitted to an accelerated degree program in one of two ways: as an incoming freshman, or as a current student — after completing a minimum of 90 credits but no more than 120 credits. Visit Drexel University’s Accelerated, Combined, and Bridge Degree Programs to learn more.

Please review eligibility and requirements for each College of Arts and Sciences accelerated program, below. List updated: July 2023

Biological Sciences (BS + MS)

Biological Sciences (BS) + Epidemiology (MS)

Chemistry (BS + MS)

Communication (BA) + Strategic & Digital Communication (MS)

English (BA) + Strategic & Digital Communication (MS)

Environmental Science (BS) + Ecology, Evolution and Earth Systems (MS)

Environmental Science (BS) + Environmental Policy (MSEP)

Environmental Studies and Sustainability (BA) + Environmental Policy (MSEP)

Global Studies (BA) + Business Administration (MBA)

Global Studies (BA) + Strategic & Digital Communication (MS)

Global Studies (BA) + Public Health (MPH)

Mathematics (BS + MS)

Mathematics (BA) + Biostatistics (MS)

Mathematics (BS) + Biostatistics (MS)

Political Science (BA) + Public Policy (MS)

Psychology (BS + MS)

Sociology (BA) + Urban Strategy (MS)