J Yasha Kresh

J. Yasha Kresh, PhD

Professor of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Medicine and Biomedical Engineering; Research Director, Cardiothoracic Surgery and Cardiovascular Biophysics
Drexel University College of Medicine

Office: 245 N. 15th Street, MS 111
Phone: 215.762.1703
Email: JYasha.Kresh@DrexelMed.edu
Website: College of Medicine


Dr. Kresh is a professor in the Departments of Cardiothoracic Surgery and Medicine at Drexel University College of Medicine, and a professor in Drexel's School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems. In addition he is research director of cardiothoracic surgery and cardiovascular biophysics.

  • Pacing System and Method for Cardiac Pacing as a Function of Determined Myocardial Contractility: U.S. Patent #4,936,304
  • Myocardial Contractility-Sensitive Pacer: French and German Patents #0244446 / 3673643
  • Acoustic Blood Analyzer for Assessing Coagulation Status: U.S. Patent #(Pending)


  • MBME, PhD, RWJ Medical School and Rutgers University, 1976
  • Research Internship, Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, Mt. Sinai School of Medicine, 1974-1976
  • Postdoctoral Fellowship, Clinical Electrophysiology, Beth Israel Medical Center, 1976-1979

Research Interests

Cardiac repair and regeneration, tissue engineering, cardiovascular system dynamics, systems biology, cellular networks, cardiovascular engineering, telerobotics.


  • "Pacing-Induced Cardiac Gap-Junction Remodeling"
    Matsushita, S., Tran, V.N., Pelleg, A., Wechsler, A.S., Kresh, J.Y.
    Amer. J. Therapeutics, Vol. 16, 224-230, 2009
  • "Of Mice and Men (and Effects of Gene Silencing)"
    Wechsler AS, Kresh JY
    Circulation, Vol. 120, 1027-1028, 2009
  • "Anti- and Proarrhythmic Effects of Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy: Point of View";
    DiPalma, J.R., Kutalek, S.P., Eisen, H., Kresh, J.Y., Pelleg, A.
    Amer. J. Therapeutics, Vol. 15, 190-195, 2008
  • "Real-Time Monitoring of Adhesion and Aggregation of Platelets using Thickness Shear Mode (TSM) Sensor";
    Ergezen, E., Appel, M., Shah, P., Kresh, J.Y., Lec, R.M., Wootton, D.M  
    Biosens Bioelectron. Vol. 23, 575-82, 2007
  • "Risk Stratification of Obstetric Patients Undergoing Spinal Anesthesia";
    Chamchad, D., Arkoosh, A.V., Horrow, J.C., Buxbaum, J.L., Izrailtyan, I.,  Nakhamchik, L., Hoyer, D., Kresh, J.Y.
    Anesthesia & Analgesia, Vol. 99, 1818-21, 2004
  • Complex Systems Science in BioMedicine
    Deisboeck, T.S., Kresh, J.Y. (eds): Springer, New York, NY, USA. 2006
  • "Cell replacement therapy: the functional importance of myocardial architecture and intercellular gap-junction distribution"
    Kresh, J.Y.
    J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. Vol. 131, 1310-3, 2006
  • "Physiologic and Hemodynamic Basis of Ventricular Assist Devices";
    Bolno, P.B., Kresh, J.Y.,
    Cardiology Clinics,  Vol. 21, 15-27, 2003
  • "Cardiomyocyte-Mediated Contact Programs Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells to Express Cardiogenic Phenotype";
    Rangappa, S., Entwistle J.W., Wechsler, A.S., Kresh, J.Y.
    J Thorac and Cardiovas Surg.  Vol. 126, 124-132, 2003
  • "A Novel approach to Robotic Cardiac Surgery Using Haptics and Vision"
    Kennedy, C.W., Hu, T., Desai, J.P., Wechsler, A. S., Kresh, J.Y.
    Cardiovascular Engineering:  An International Journal, Vol. 2 No. 1, 15-22 , 2002
  • "Early detection of acute allograft rejection by linear and nonlinear analysis of heart rate variability"
    Izrailtyan I, Kresh JY, Morris RJ, Brozena SC, Kutalek SP, Wechsler AS.
    J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. Vol. 120, 737-45, 2000