Announcing the 2020-2021 Executive Board Members of the GSA and IGSA

June 30, 2020

The Graduate College is pleased to announce the executive board members of the 2020-2021 Graduate Student Association (GSA) and International Graduate Student Association (IGSA) who will begin their volunteer service on July 1.


For general inquiries, please contact the GSA E-Board at

Luis Rebollar, PhD Program in Chemical Engineering, College of Engineering

Vice President of Operations
Amy Honnig, PhD Program in Chemical Engineering, College of Engineering

Vice President of Academic Affairs
Md Rasheduzzaman, PhD Program in Environmental Engineering, College Engineering

Vice President of Student Life
Saurajyoti Kar, PhD Program in Environmental Engineering, College of Engineering

Vice President of Finance
Danesha Chisholm, Doctor of Business Administration Program, LeBow College of Business

Vice President of Communications
Teesta Banerjee, Master of Business Administration Program, LeBow College of Business

Academic Chair
Divya Kamireddi, PhD Program in Materials Science and Engineering, College of Engineering

Social Chair
Devon Carrow, Master's Program in Health Administration, College of Nursing and Health Professions


For general inquiries, please contact the IGSA E-Board at

Zhouquan (Harry) Fu, PhD Program in Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering

Vice President
Weixiang Yu, PhD Program in Physics, College of Arts and Sciences

Sumeet Suryawanshi, MS Program in Engineering Management, College of Engineering

Co-Director of Social Media and Public Relations
Akanksha Bhatnagar, PhD Program in Biology, College of Arts and Sciences

Co-Director of Social Media and Public Relations
Mohamed Ghayeb, MS Program in Marketing, LeBow College of Business

Co-Event Coordinator, Co-Director of Social and Cultural Events
Yi (Eva) Liu, MS Program in Fashion Design, Westphal College of Media Arts and Design

Co-Event Coordinator, Co-Director of Social and Cultural Events
Puneet Sihag, MS Program in Information Systems, College of Computing and Informatics

Co-Event Coordinator, Co-Director of Academic Events
Pascua Sonia, PhD Program in Information Science, College of Computing and Informatics

Co-Event Coordinator, Co-Director of Academic Events
Paige Sturrup, MA Program in Dance/Movement Therapy, College of Nursing and Health Professions

Event Coordinator, Director of Civic and Personal Development Events
Bledar Noka, MS Program in Information Systems, College of Computing and Informatics

The Graduate College is excited to begin working with these graduate student leaders to address questions and concerns of our graduate student community and build on policies, procedures and initiatives that support our students.

Be on the lookout for their newsletters in your Drexel email and follow them on social media for news, updates, events, initiatives and more.

The GSA, IGSA and daughter graduate student organizations are officially recognized by Student Life and Campus Engagement. A complete list of student organizations, including officer and contact information, websites, etc. can be found in DragonLink.

For more information about Drexel's student organizations, visit the Student Life website or contact Student Life.