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Drexel Summer Dance Program 2025: Dance and Your Future

Register Here

About the program
This one-week commuter dance intensive is designed to allow students to explore the intersections of technique, choreographic process, and dance careers. Each day will consist of technique classes, guest lectures, and choreographic process workshops. The program will culminate in an informal performance. Students enrolled will explore how dance can fit into their careers, featuring Drexel’s unique philosophy of Dance as a Healing Art.

Program Dates
July 14-18, 2025 (with orientation July 13th)

Each day includes a 30 minute lunch break.


9:00-10:20AM - Technique Class
10:30-11:50 AM- Technique Class
12:00-12:30 PM - Lunch
12:30-1:30 PM - "Careers in Dance" guest lectures/Drexel Student Experience
1:45-4:30 PM - Choreographic Process

This program will have a culminating performance in the Mandell Theater on July 18th, 2025.

Register Here

We welcome mature high school students, 14‑18 years old.

How soon will you hear from us?
All applications will be reviewed as we receive them and applicants will be notified within 3 weeks from receipt. Admissions decisions are based upon academic preparation and a commitment to learn. We will limit the program to approximately 50 students. We will mail an acceptance letter and an information package to you and your family with additional program information, and of course, more forms to complete. Enrollment is limited and is available on a first come, first serve basis upon review and acceptance of the application.

Tuition: $1000 with a $900 early bird rate before April 15th. Final Payment deadline is June 1st, 2025.

For more information on pricing, please contact

Acceptable forms of payment are Check or Money Order, or Credit Card (use with online application only).

All applications will be reviewed upon completion and applicants will be notified on a rolling basis.

Upon acceptance, we will mail an information package to you and your family with additional program information and more forms to complete.

A $300 deposit is required upon registration. Remaining balances must be paid by June 1, 2025.

Drexel faculty and professional dancers in the Philadelphia area will teach the summer dance participants. Additionally, Drexel Dance students will mentor workshop participants.


student dancer