Clo 3D Fashion Design Zero Waste Sampling

Clo3D rendering of woman in dress

Wilynda James [View Animation]

Cutting-edge simulation technologies are being used to create virtual, true-to life garment visualization for the fashion and animation industries. Using Clo 3D software, Drexel students research the impact of these technologies on the issues of sustainability and inclusivity in aCradel to Cradel Certified circular economy.

Clo 3D Rentering of a woman in bathingsuit

Sugandha Tomar [View Animation]

Draping directly on the avatar, individual designs are realized through a zero-waste process. Material properties are tested on the avatar in motion.

Clo 3D

Julie Caprieri

Complex patterns can be drafted in the software, draped and edited on the avatar.

Clo 3D

Xiaohan Hera Zhou

Color and material properties can be added.

Clo 3D

Color and material properties can be added.

Patterns can also be spontaneously draped directly on the avatar and engineered print design positioned on the panels.

Clo 3D

Amanda Forestini [View Animation]

Clo 3D

Clo 3D simulation by graduate student Sugandha Tomar during her internship at the 3D Design Lab in the Free People division of Urban Outfitters, at the corporate headquarters, Philadelphia.

The Graduate Fashion program has a collaboration with Urban Outfitters to investigate multiple ways to incorporate virtual development of fashion into the fashion product life cycle.

Clo 3D

Clo 3D avatar examples

Students can instantly view their designs on a variety of sizes, addressing an inclusive market.