Pregraduate Year Studies in Fashion Design
The Fashion Design graduate plan of study begins with prerequisite classes in drawing, design, construction and
patternmaking skills to prepare students for graduate coursework. Students having an
undergraduate degree in fashion, art or design may be waived from some of the prerequisite
courses via portfolio and transcript review and a skills test.
Graduate level classes in Materials Exploration, Fashion Design I and Draping
introduce students to materials, textile manipulations and experimental
silhouettes, and issues of sustainability and ethical practice. The digital
technologies rapidly reforming fashion visual communication are explored in
Presentation Techniques.

Course: Materials Exploration
Creative work by: Yashu Zeng ‘22
Course: Materials Exploration
Creative work by: Xiaohan Zhou ‘19
Course: Materials Exploration
Creative work by: Nicole Feller Johnson ‘19
Course: Materials Exploration
Creative work by: Maria Ozman ‘22
Course: Fashion Design I
Creative work by: Shun Wen Hsueh ‘17
Course: Presentation Techniques
Creative work by: Stephanie Popa ‘21