First Year Studies in Fashion Design

The first year of graduate level coursework in the Fashion Design Master’s program expands upon conceptualization, hands-on making, and 2D representation of fashion through Fashion Design II and III, Tailoring, and Fashion Presentation. Knitwear is introduced in our state-of-the-art SHIMA SEIKI Knitting Lab. The traditional and CAD techniques of surface design are investigated in Textile Design. In Drawing for the Industry, technical design skills are advanced through Adobe Illustrator drawing and rendering, and the creation of electronic data packages necessary for the fashion production cycle. CAD for Fashion explores fashion design in the 3D space using Clo 3D design software to visualize fashion on inclusive sized avatars in motion, reducing sampling time and cost, and supporting zero waste fashion design and manufacture. In Fashion Presentation the student develops portfolios for collections of fashion design for a variety of market requirements and for international competitions. History of Modern Design provides context and inspiration to the students’ work. Students may choose to add elective fashion classes in advanced knitting, accessories and lingerie design, or from a menu of other offerings across Drexel University. This can also include research methodology from Drexel’s Design Research Master’s program to potentially add academic publication to student's thesis dossier. All graduate Fashion Design students take an industry internship of their choice in their first year of graduate level course work.

Fashion Design II Hera Xiaohan Zhou ‘19 

Course: Fashion Design II
Creative work by: Hera Xiaohan Zhou ‘19

Fashion Design II Logan Howard ’19

Course: Fashion Design II
Creative work by: Logan Howard ’19

Fashion Design III Sheri Shih Hui Chang ‘15

Course: Fashion Design III
Creative work by: Sheri Shih Hui Chang ‘15

Drawing for the Industry Sugandha Tomar ‘20

Course: Drawing for the Industry
Creative work by: Sugandha Tomar ‘20

Drawing for the Industry Nicole Feller Johnson ‘18

Course: Drawing for the Industry
Creative work by: Nicole Feller Johnson ‘18

Textile Design Yi Deng ‘08

Course: Textile Design
Creative work by: Yi Deng ‘08

Textile Design Yiling Lai ‘20

Course: Textile Design
Creative work by: Yiling Lai ‘20

CAD Fashion Sugandha Tomar ‘20

Course: CAD Fashion
Creative work by: Sugandha Tomar ‘20

Tailoring Yiling Lai ‘20 awarded first place “Make it with Wool 2020’

Course: Tailoring
Creative work by: Yiling Lai ‘20
Awarded first place Make it with Wool 2020

Shruthi Patlola ‘19 with designer Christian Siriano, host of ’Project Runway’

Course: Graduate Fashion Internship
Shruthi Patlola ‘19 with designer Christian Siriano