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WRS Level II Certification & Advanced Strategies

Wilson Language Training Programs from Drexel University


WRS Advanced Strategies for MSL Group Instruction Course

This three-day (15-hour) course (held over 3 consecutive days via Zoom) provides strategies, modeling, and practice as participants learn about the critical aspects of WRS small-group instruction, including how to optimally deliver WRS Lesson Blocks 1, 2, and 3. Participants learn about advanced and differentiated instruction for students to further develop vocabulary, comprehension, and fluency skills. This course prepares participants to implement WRS in a small-group setting, teaches how to properly monitor student progress, and provides the pre-requisite for the WRS Group Mastery Practicum. Before participating, individuals must have completed 3 WRS Level I oberservations or WRS Level I Certification. They must also possess a bachelor’s degree in education or a related field.

  • August 5-7, 2025 9:00-3:00 pm
  • Price: $650 per person

Register Here

WRS Group Mastery Practicum

This practicum requires successful delivery of a minimum of 50 lessons with an approved group of three to four students reaching WRS Substep 3.1 or higher, and submission of at least three video­ recorded lessons for observation and feedback. You must have your WRS Level I Certification, a Bachelor's Degree in Education (or a related field), and be currently enrolled in (or have already completed) WRS Advanced Strategies for Multisensory Structured Language Group Instruction Course.

  • Please check back for future dates
  • Price: $1,400

WRS Steps 7-12 Practicum

In the Wilson Reading System (WRS) Steps 7–12 Practicum, participants focus on advanced word study and application of reading and writing skills with progressively more challenging levels of text. The practicum requires successful delivery of a minimum of 50 lessons with an approved student, and submission of at least three video-recorded lessons for observation and feedback. Before participating, individuals must have their WRS Level I Certification, possess a bachelor’s degree in education or a related field, and be enrolled in or have completed the corresponding advanced coursework (WRS Advanced Word Study: Online Course Steps 7–12).