Freddie Reisman Center for Translational Research in Creativity and Motivation

Drexel University School of Education

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Creativity and motivation researchers publish for other academics in journals and funded grant reports that teachers, their students and the parents/guardians of the students and corporate trainers do not have ready or easy access. As these populations are not the audience for the researchers, it is difficult – if not impossible – for the non-researcher to translate the research findings into language or activities that would benefit these learners and end-users. Simply put, the researchers’ findings are not readily accessible or understandable by the various populations that could implement the research. The research sits and languishes in journals and reports, generally, for the next researcher to read and utilize for the next research study. Although significant and a good thing, on the one hand, the lag time between research findings and development of uses and applications of the research by the end users is much too long. The Freddie Reisman Center for Translational Research in Creativity and Motivation (the Center) addresses the accessibility problem with a focus on creativity and motivation research. A new model of identifying and translating the latest quality research findings into language understood by multiple user populations is intended, specifically, for education and corporate settings. The Center focuses upon developing and testing practical applications of basic research for end-users. Identification of quality research and related activities focus on creativity and motivation research and their translation into language that teachers (including corporate trainers), their students (including corporate employees), and the student’s family and/or caregivers can immediately understand.

Creativity and motivation research for teachers and educators were selected as the focus for this Center for several reasons. Teachers, in particular, need to become more research-informed so that they are aware of the misinformation that has informally made its way into popular use and unfortunately been accepted as fact. Even when a teaching approach is exposed as incorrect, these educational and creativity myths can continue to influence instruction (e.g., right-left brain emphasis and Edgar Dale’s Learning Pyramid, even though Dale included six pages of disclaimers regarding the cone, titled “Some Possible Misconceptions”).

Creativity and motivation research by USA and international creativity and motivation trailblazers will be translated to learning and teaching. Teachers and corporate trainers who implement the translationally-based lesson plans will be invited to become associate members of the Center and provide feedback on how the lessons work, what modifications are needed for implementation with their students, and what new research is necessary. Thus, ours is a two-way model of translational research where user feedback is key.

Translational education research is a new application of the medical idea of Bench to Bedside. The Center’s Lab to Learner education undertaking will communicate significant research to benefit teachers and their students as well as corporate trainers and their students.