Christina Vorndran - Drexel University Associate Clinical Professor and Director for MS in Applied Behavior Analysis
Associate Clinical Professor
Program Director, Applied Behavior Analysis

Christina Vorndran, PhD, BCBA-D


PhD, MA, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge
BS, St. Joseph's University

Program Affiliation

MS in Applied Behavior Analysis


  • Connell, J.E., Pellecchia, M., Vorndran C.M. (2012). Classroom interventions for youth with Pervasive Developmental Disorders/Autism Spectrum Disorders.  In Weist M, Lever N,  Bradshaw  C, and Owens J (Eds.). Handbook of School Mental Health, Second Edition. Springer.


  • Vorndran, C.M., Pace, G. M., Luiselli, J.K., Flaherty, J., Christian, L., Kleinman, A. (2008).  Functional analysis and treatment of chronic hair pulling and in a child with Cri du Chat Syndrome: Effects on co-occurring thumb sucking.  Behavior Analysis and Practice, 10-15.
  • Page, T.J., Perrin, F.A., Tessing, J.L., Vorndran, C.M., & Edmonds, D. (2007). Beyond treatment of individual behavior problems: An effective residential continuum of care for individuals with severe behavior problems.  Behavioral Interventions, 22, 35-45.
  • Contrucci-Kuhn, S.A., Lerman, D.C., Vorndran, C.M., Addison, L. (2006). Analysis of factors that affect responding in a two-response chain in children with developmental disabilities.  Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 39, 263-280.
  • Vorndran, C.M., Lerman, D.C. (2006). Establishing and maintaining treatment effects with less intrusive consequences via a pairing procedure.  Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 39, 35-48.
  • Lerman, D.C., Parten, M., Addison, L.R., Vorndran, C.M., Volkert, V.M., Kodak, T. (2005). A methodology for assessing the functions of emerging speech in children with developmental disabilities.  Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 38, 303-316.
  • Volkert, V.M., Lerman, D.C., Vorndran. C.M. (2005).  The effects of reinforcement magnitude on functional analysis outcomes.  Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 38, 147-162.
  • Lerman, D.C., Vorndran, C.M., Addison, L., Kuhn, S.C. (2004). Preparing teachers in evidence-based practices for young children with autism. School Psychology Review, 33, 510-526.
  • Lerman, D.C., Vorndran, C.M., & Addison, L., Kuhn, S.A.C. (2004). A rapid assessment of skills in young children with autism.  Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 37, 11-26.


  • Mintz, M., Vorndran, C.M. (2014). An Innovative Interdisciplinary Model for Health Care Delivery for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities. Workshop presented at the New Jersey Alliance for Children Youth and Families Conference.  Rutger’s University, New Brunswick, NJ.
  • Vorndran, C.M., Perrin, F.A. (2013). Preference Assessments for Children with Autism: Why They Are Important and How to Conduct Them. Workshop presented at the annual Autism New Jersey Convention.  Atlantic City, NJ.
  • Vorndran, C.M., Perrin, F.A. (2012).  Assessment of Challenging Behavior: Beyond the Basic Functional Analysis. Workshop presented at the annual Autism New Jersey Convention.  Atlantic City, NJ.
  • Vorndran, C.M., Perrin, F.A. (2012).  Assessment of Challenging Behavior: Beyond the Basic Functional Assessment. Presentation at the Annual Autism Conference at Rowan University.
  • Vorndran, C.M., Perrin, F.A. (2012).  Treating Severe Behavior Problems in Children with Autism. A two-part webinar series offered by Bancroft.
  • Vorndran, C. M., Perrin, F. A., & Eggerding, C. (2011). Treatment for Children and Adolescents with Autism and Severe Behavior Problems: An Intensive Team Approach. Workshop presented at the annual Autism New Jersey Convention.  Atlantic City, NJ.
  • Vorndran, C.M., Brewin, A., Taylor, J. (Symposium). An Evaluation of a Program-Wide Process for Improving Treatment Integrity. Presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavior Analysis International: Phoenix, 2009.
  • Perrin, F. A., Marzullo Kerth, D., Eberman, E.M., Vorndran, C.M., & Progar, P.R. (Poster).  Performance Feedback and Program-Wide Treatment Integrity of Plan Implementation. Presented at the annual meeting of the Maryland Association for Behavior Analysis: Baltimore, 2008.
  • Vorndran, C.M., & Lerman, D. L. (Symposium).  The Effects of Discrimination Training on Choice-Making Accuracy During Symbolic Preference Assessment Formats. Presented at the Annual Association for Behavior Analysis Convention, 2007.
  • Brewin, A., Perrin, F.A., & Vorndran, C.M.  (Poster). The Effects of DRO on Behavioral Incontinence.  Presented at Maryland Association for Behavior Analysis Conference 2006.  Presented at the Annual Association for Behavior Analysis Convention, 2007.
  • Weick, M., & Vorndran, C.M.  (Symposium).  Competitive Effects of Attention and Tangible Reinforcement in the Treatment of Multiply-Controlled Self-Injurious Behavior.  Presented at the Annual Association for Behavior Analysis Convention, 2006.
  • Vorndran, C.M., Pace, G.M., Luiselli, J.K., Flaherty, J., Christian, L.E., & Kleinmann, A.E.  (Symposium).  Assessment and Treatment of Trichotillomania in a Child with Cri-du-Chat.  Presented at the Annual Association for Behavior Analysis Convention, 2006.
  • Lerman, D.L., Parten, M., Addison, L.R., Vorndran, C.M., & Kodak, T.  (Symposium).  Methodology for Assessing the Functions of Emerging Speech in Children with Autism.  Presented at the Annual Association for Behavior Analysis Convention, 2004.
  • Pace, G.M., Dunn, E., Riley, S., Codding, R., Vorndran, C.M., Luiselli, J.K., & Cochran, C.  (Symposium).  A Limited Free Operant Approach to Evaluating Preferences.  Presented at the Annual Association for Behavior Analysis Convention, 2004.
  • Connell, J. E., & Vorndran, C.M.  (Poster).  An Evaluation of Interteaching Strategies in an Undergraduate Learning Course.  Presented at the 29th Annual Association for Behavior Analysis Convention, 2004.
  • Assessment and Treatment of Severe Behavior Disorders
  • Modifications of Behavioral Interventions for Community Settings
  • Bancroft (2007-present)
    Senior Clinical Director, Pediatric Residential and Educational Programs
  • Bancroft, The Lindens Neurobehavioral Stabilization Unit (2005-07)
    Senior Behavior Analyst
  • Rowan University (2007-14)
    Adjunct Professor, Psychology
  • Devereaux Foundation, New Jersey Center for Autism (2004-05)
    School Psychologist
  • The May Institute, the May Center for Education and Neurorehabilitation (2003-04)
    Pre-doctoral Intern, Psychology
  • NJ Licensed Psychologist
Christina Vorndran is an Associate Clinical Professor in the School of Education’s Applied Behavior Analysis program. She also currently serves as the Senior Clinical Director for Bancroft’s Pediatric Residential and Educational programs. Her research interests include assessment and treatment of severe behavior disorders as well as modifications of behavioral interventions for community settings. Her latest publication was titled “Classroom interventions for youth with Pervasive Development Disorders/Autism Spectrum Disorders.” Vorndran’s office is located in Room 359B at 3401 Market St. She can be reached at 215-571-4560 and at