Fredricka K. Reisman - Drexel University Director of Drexel/Torrance Center for Creativity and Innovation
Emerita Professor
Director, Freddie Reisman Center for Translational Research in Creativity and Motivation
Founder, Drexel University School of Education
Director of Drexel/Torrance Center for Creativity and Innovation

Fredricka Reisman, PhD


PhD, Syracuse University
Post-Doc, Mathematics Education, Syracuse University
MS, Elementary Education, Syracuse University
BA, Liberal Arts, Syracuse University (completed at Barnard)

Program Affiliation

EdD in Educational Leadership and Management-Creativity and Innovation Concentration
MS, Creativity and Innovation

GRANT EVALUATOR (Funded Projects Selected)

  • Hongseok (Moses) Noh, PhD and PI. Associate Professor Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics, Amy research group,: MICROFLUIDICS LABORATORY MODULES AND KITS FOR UNDERGRADUATE EDUCATION. NSF. Reisman-Evaluator. 2010.
  • Jonathan E Spanier, PhD and PI, Associate Professor of Materials Science & Engineering, Affiliated Faculty of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Drexel University. Gaann funded NSF. 2010.
  • Vlad Genis, PhD and PI. Implementation of the Internet-Based Nondestructive Evaluation Laboratory for Applied Engineering Technology Curriculum. 2010
  • Designed, conducted, and managed evaluation activities of federal, state, and foundation grants totaling $13,886,574 including collaboration with the Drexel University Engineering and Business colleges, and public schools.
  • Advised and helped write the Standards Performance Measures for the Philadelphia Workforce Investment Board by which to evaluate proposals and award millions of dollars to youth providers.
  • Evaluator of four 21st Century School grants that included directing, editing, and producing documentaries on CD for Mac and PC platforms.
    Conducted onsite evaluation of numerous Pennsylvania and New York State university teacher certification programs.


  • 2017 Drexel Faculty Scholarly and Creative Activity Awards: Investigating the Autism - Creativity Relationship Among Neuro typical Adults When Compared with Neuro-diverse Adults (Autistic), Co-PI (w/ James Connell) $30,022 .Not funded.
  • 2014 Enhancing Creativity in Engineering and Engineering Technology Students. NSF RIGGEE, Michelle Klawans, Abieyuwa Aghayere, PhD, Gennady Friendman, PhD, Vladimir Genis, PhD, Jennifer Katz-Buonincontro, PhD, Fredricka Reisman, PhD. Co-PI. Amount $157,297.00.
  • 2007- 2009 US Department of Education, Transition to Teaching. Additional partner-Charleston, SC. $3,518,655F. Reisman, PI.
  • 2004- 2006 US Department of Education, $4,313,574. “Drexel/ Philadelphia/ Alabama/ ChesterUpland” (DPAC) Transition to Teaching Project. Develop and offer reformulated, online Teacher Education Program to increase number of “highly qualified”high school mathematics and science teachers in Mobile County School District, Alabama, and School District of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and Chester Upland School District. F. Reisman, PI.
  • 2003-2005 US Department of Education, $2,728,864. Transition to Teaching. F. Reisman, PI.
  • 2002 US Department of Education, $846,930 PI: Mun Young Choi; Co-PIs: Fredericka Reisman, Yury Gogotsi, Jaydev Desai, Steve Wrenn
  • 2002 NSF, $450,000. “Research Experience for Teachers – RET.” Joint proposal with the College of Engineering, M. Choi, PI, F. Reisman, Co-PI.
  • 2002 NSF, $599,128. “Innovations in Business Intelligence.” College of Business proposal. F. Reisman, Senior Personnel; B. Arnize, PI.
  • 2002 Bureau of Vocational-Technical Education, Pennsylvania Department of Education, $400,000. “Drexel University Tech-Prep Program.” Expand Tech-Prep Programs in School District of Philadelphia (Swenson Arts & Technology HS, Dobbins AVTS, and Mastbaum AVTS. F. Reisman, Co-PI; C. Bach, PI. (Also funded $400,000 in 2001, 2000, and 1999.)
  • 2001 Link-to-Learn Higher Education Initiatives, Pennsylvania Department of Education, $496,500. “Intelligent Systems and Applications.” Working collaboratively, the School of Education and the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering will assist Gratz High School in the School District of Philadelphia to develop and implement an IT and Robotics curriculum in the 2001-2002 academic year. F. Reisman and N. Bilgutay, PIs, S. Personick and C. Bach Co-PIs.
  • 1999 Link-to-Learn Higher Education Initiatives, Pennsylvania Department of Education, $415,500. “Integrating Technology into Teacher Preparation.” F. Reisman, Co-PI, F. Harvey, PI.
  • 1993 DeWitt Wallace-Reader’s Digest Fund, $600,000 and $199,888, “Pathways to Teaching Careers Program. ” One of 11 sites administered by Bank Street College to prepare two cohorts of School District of Philadelphia paraprofessionals to gain teacher certification. F. Reisman, PI.
  • 1993 The Samuel S. Fels Fund, $17,000. The award provided software and other materials
    for the Drexel Diagnostic Mathematics and Science Learning Lab (D2MSL2).
  • 1992 The McLean Contributionship, $25,000. “Scholarship for Grades 3-12 Needy Students
    for the D2MSL2,” (Drexel Diagnostic Mathematics and Science Learning Lab).
  • 1992 Connelly Foundation, $250,000. Establishment of the Drexel Diagnostic Mathematics
    and Science Learning Lab (D2MSL2).
  • 1991 National Science Foundation (NSF), $400,000. “Massive Intervention in Elementary & Middle School Mathematics Instruction: Private Sector, University & School District Collaborative Utilizing the National One-To-One Model.” F. Reisman, PI.


  • Reisman, F., Keiser, J., Westphal. J., & Hammrich, P.(in press). Creativity and Motivation Research Translated to Benefit Teachers and Students: Lab to Learner. UK: Cambridge University Press
  • Reisman, F. & Severino, L. (2021). Using Creativity to Address Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, and Dyscalculia:Assessment and Techniques. UK: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group
  • Tanner, D. & Reisman, F. (2014). Creativity as a bridge between education and industry: Fostering new innovations. North Charleston, NC: CreateSpace, an Amazon subsidiary.
  • Reisman, F.K. and Torrance, E.P. (2002). Learning and using primes, fractions and decimals creatively. Bensenville, IL: Scholastic Testing Service.
  • Torrance, E.P. and Reisman, F.K. (2000). Learning to use place value creatively. Bensenville, IL: Scholastic Testing Service.
  • Torrance, E.P. and Reisman, F.K. (2000). Learning to solve mathematics word problems creatively. Bensenville, IL: Scholastic Testing Service.
  • Reisman, F.K. and Payne, B.D. (1987). Elementary education: A basic text. Columbus, Ohio: Charles E. Merrill.
  • Reisman, F.K. (1987). Teaching mathematics: Methods and content. Second Edition. Boston, Massachusetts: Houghton-Mifflin, 1981. (Student Guide and Instructor's Manual), Reissued by Waveland Press.
  • Reisman, F.K. (1982). A guide to the diagnostic teaching of arithmetic. Third Edition. Columbus, Ohio: Charles E. Merrill.
  • Reisman, F.K. and Kauffman, S.H. (1980). Mathematics instruction for children with special needs. Columbus, Ohio: Charles E. Merrill.


  • Reisman, F. (2019). The psychology of creativity in education. In The Encyclopedia of Educational Innovation. Section editors Christopher Wilson, Sarah Hayes, and Petar Jandrić. Executive Editors, Michael A. Peters & Richard Heraud. New York: Springer.
  • Reisman, F.(2019). Chapter One: Introduction in Marking the 105th Birthday of the contemporary Father of Creativity: E. Paul Torrance. Editor Fredricka Reisman, PhD. 2019 International Conference on Knowledge, Innovation & Enterprise.London:KIE Conference Publications. Conferebce in Dubai.
  • Reisman, F. (2018). Editor KIE conference book. Prague
  • Reisman, F.K. and Maliko-Abraham, H. (2018). Generating a culture for creativity and innovation: Coaching approaches that drive talent management processes. Talent management handbook. 3nd Edition. Edited by Lance A. Berger & Dorothy R. Berger. NY: McGraw Hill.
  • Reisman, F. (2017). Chapter One-introduction, KIE Innovation and Wellbeing conference book. Philadelphia, PA.
  • Reisman, F. (2017). Editor KIE conference book. Philadelphia, PA
  • Reisman, F. (2017). Creativity Embedded into K-12 Teacher Preparation and Beyond in Kaufman, J.S. & Beghetto, R. (Eds) Nourishing Creativity in the Classroom. Cambridge University Press
  • Reisman, F.K. (2016). Promoting Creative Learners through Innovative Pedagogy, in Creative Learning in Higher Education: International Perspectives and Approaches Patrick Blessinger & Linda S. Watts (Eds) - Routledge Publishing
  • Chunfang Zhou (Ed). (2016). Handbook of Research on Creative Problem-Solving Skill Development in Higher Education. Published by IGI Global Chapter. (I was asked to write the Preface)
  • Reisman, F. (2016).Too Much Knowledge by the Experts Can Be A Detriment to Learning. Chapter in 2016 KIE Berlin Conference book that I edited.
  • Reisman, F.K. (2015). KIE Conference book editor. Istanbul, Turkey Conference
  • Reisman, F. K. (2014). Overview and application of creativity to enhance innovation in business and education. In F. K. Reisman (Ed.), 2014 KIE conference book series: Creativity in business: Research papers on knowledge, innovation and enterprise volume II (pp. 9-27). International Conference on Knowledge, Innovation & Enterprise.
  • Reisman, F.K. (2014). Underlying Factors of Creative Thinking As A Foundation for Creative Writing Pedagogy . Creativity and Writing Pedagogy: Linking Creative Writers, Researchers, and Teachers. Harriet Levin Millan and Martha C. Pennington (eds.). Sheffield, UK and Bristol, CT: Equinox.
  • Reisman, F.K. (2014). KIE Conference book editor. Riga, Latvia Conference
  • Reisman, F.K. (2013). KIE Conference book editor. London, England Conference –Note, Applied for editorship, vetted and selected.
  • Reisman, F.K. and Hartz, T.A. (2011). Generating a culture for creativity and innovation. Talent Management Handbook. 2nd Edition. Edited by Lance A. Berger & Dorothy R. Berger. NY: McGraw Hill.
  • Reisman, F.K (2010). “Creative and Critical Thinking in Biomedical Research” in From Getting Started in Research to Presenting Data in a Scientific Paper (Eds. Y.K. Gupta, M.D., G. Jagadeesh, Ph.D., Sreekant Murthy, Ph.D.& Amitabh Prakash, M.D.). Wolters Kluwer Health (India), a subsidiary of Wolters Kluwer Health | Adis, Auckland, New Zealand.
  • Reisman, F.K. (2009). Working with children with math problems in Handbook for School Psychologists, 4th Edition (Eds. Cecil Reynolds & Terry Gutkin). New York: John Wiley.
  • Reisman, F.K. (2007). Contributing author, Encyclopedia of Special Education: A Reference for the Education of Children, Adolescents, and Adults with Disabilities and Other Exceptional Individuals , 3 Volume Set, Third Edition (edited by Cecil R.Reynolds and Elaine Fletcher-Janzen). New York: John Wiley & Sons.
  • Reisman, F. K. (2006). Contributing author in C. Reynolds and L. Mann (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Special Education,4th Edition. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
  • Reisman, F. K., Bach, C., Auth, P., Batastini, S., Clark, S., Gigli, R., Keiser, L., Nessler, C., M.S., & Whitelaw, L. (2002). Creativity stems from divergent chaotic crisis (C2). In A. Aleinikov (Ed.), The future of creativity. Bensenville, IL: Scholastic Testing Service.
  • Reisman, F. K. (1994). Member of mathematics team. In Curriculum/Technology Resource Center, Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, (Eds.), Curriculum Handbook for Instructional Leaders. Reston VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
  • Reisman, F. K. (1987). Contributing author and Member, Editorial Advisory Board in C. Reynolds and L. Mann (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Special Education, New York: John Wiley & Sons.
  • Reisman, F.K., contributing author and Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Encyclopedia of Special Education, edited by Cecil Reynolds and Lester Mann, New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1987.
  • Reisman, F.K. Special Education Component, Merrill Mathematics EL HI Series K-8. Columbus, Ohio: Charles E. Merrill, 1987 Edition, 1986.

PUBLISHED MATHEMATICS TEST (National Standardization)

  • Reisman, F.K. (2010). Instructional Manual. Diagnostic Mathematics Assessment (DMA).Bensenville, IL: Scholastic Testing Service. Grade Two.
  • Reisman,F.K. (2009). Diagnostic Mathematics Assessment (DMA).Bensenville, IL: Scholastic Testing Service. Grade Two.
  • Reisman,F.K. (2008). Diagnostic Mathematics Assessment (DMA).Bensenville, IL: Scholastic Testing Service. Grade One.
  • Reisman, F.K. (2008). Instructional Manual. Diagnostic Mathematics Assessment (DMA).Bensenville, IL: Scholastic Testing Service. Grade One.
  • Reisman, F.K. (1985). Sequential assessment in mathematics Inventory (SAMI), Kindergarten through Grade 8 [Mathematics test]. San Antonio, Texas: Psychological Corporation.


  • Reisman, F. Keiser, L. & Otti, O. (2012). Reisman Diagnostic Creativity Assessment (RDCA). Online free Apple App. Downloaded via iTunes.

ARTICLES (selected)

  • Reisman, F.; Keiser, L.; & Otti, O. (2016). Development, Use and Implications of Diagnostic Creativity Assessment App, RDCA – Reisman Diagnostic Creativity Assessment. Creativity Research Journal. HCRJ #1162643, Vol. 28, Issue 2. Published online: 09 May 2016, pages 177-187.
  • Reisman, F.K. (2013). Underlying Factors of Creative Thinking As A Foundation for Creative Writing Pedagogy. 4(2) Journal of Writing & Pedagogy.
  • Reisman, F.K. (2011). Creative, Critical Thinking and Logic in Research. The Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences (RGUHS) Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. Jul - Sep, 2011/ Vol 1/ Issue 2.
  • Taslidere,E.; Cohen, F. S. & Reisman, F. (2011),Wireless Sensor Networks- A Hands-on Modular Experiments Platform for Enhanced Pedagogical Learning, IEEE journal of Engineering Education. Volume 54 Issue 1, 24-33.
  • Genis, V. and Reisman, F. (2010). NSF Award of the Proposal in Engineering Technology Education. Journal of Engineering Technology.
  • Clark, S. and Reisman, F.K. (1997). Case Study: A Cognitive and Affective Model for Teaching Students to “Learn How to Learn” at Drexel University. National Issues in Higher Education, Vol. 47, July.
  • Reisman, F.K. (1983). "Synthesizing Specific Learning Disabilities, Instructional Strategies and Mathematics Learning Tasks." Focus on Learning Problems in Mathematics. Spring Ed. Vol. 5: No.2, pp. 43-56.
  • Manning, B.H., Reisman, F.K., and Neely, A. (1982). "Diagnostic Teaching Cycle: Applying a Generic Model of Instruction to Learning Disabled Students”, in William M. Cruickshank and Eli Tash (Co-Editors), The Best of ACLD, Vol. 4.
  • Reisman, F.K., Floyd B., and Torrance, E.P. (1981). "Performance on Torrance's Thinking Creatively in Action and Movement as a Predictor of Cognitive Development of Young Children", The Creative Child and Adult Quarterly, Vol. VI, No. 4.
  • Riley, J. and Reisman, F.K. (1981). "Teaching Mathematics to LD Adolescents", in Teaching Handicapped Students Mathematics. Washington D.C.: National Education Association.
  • Reisman, F.K., and Torrance, E.P. (1980). "Alternative Procedures for Assessing Intellectual Strengths of Young Children”, Psychological Reports, Vol. 46, pp. 227-230.


  • Haslam, E. and Reisman, F.K. (1997). Designing learning environments that empower women: An inclusive model [Monograph]. Girls Succeeding in Science, Mathematics and Technology: Who Works and What Works Conference Proceedings, Philadelphia, PA: The Philadelphia Branch-American Association of University Women (AAUW).
  • Reisman, F. K. (1990). Aerospace scientists and engineers emerging as mathematics/science teachers: A collaborative model program [Monograph]. A Resource for Our Schools: Technical Talent from the Military and Industry, New York: National Executive Service Corps.


  • 2016 "Creativity's role in enhancing the lives of learners with dyslexia and dyscalculia." Learning Ally’s Spotlight on Dyslexia Online Conference co-presenter with L. Severino and L. Keiser, Drexel University), December 2.
  • 2015 "Creativity's role in enhancing the lives of learners with dyslexia and dyscalculia." PA Branch of the International Dyslexia Association Annual Fall Conference (co-presenter with L. Severino and L. Keiser, Drexel University), October 9, Delaware Valley Friends School, Paoli, PA.
  • 2015 "Communication as a creativity assessment in the workplace: Voices from the field." (co-presenter with H. Maliko-Abraham, J. Cahoon, L. Keiser, B. McPhail and P. Watson), Annual Conference on Teaching & Learning Assessment, Drexel University, September 9, Philadelphia, PA.
  • 2015 “Assessing your creativity.” Virtual introduction to the RDCA SIG (co-presenter with L. Keiser, Drexel University) at the 2015 International Conference on Knowledge, Innovation & Enterprise (KIE), August 11-14, BW Eresin Taxim Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey.
  • 2014 “Assessing your creativity.” Invited Speaker, (co-presenter with L. Keiser, Drexel University) at the 2014 International Creativity Collaborative, October 16-18, University of Georgia Hotel and Conference Center, Athens, GA.
  • 2014 Riga, Latvia. Presented via Skype. L.Keiser on site collaborator.
  • 2013 Tehran, Video presentation. Invited to open their creativity conference.
  • 2012 “Creativity awareness for teachers.” Workshop for Universal Audenreid High School Teachers to recognize and utilize the creative strengths of their students as well as recognize their own creative strengths, Drexel University, June 9, Philadelphia, PA.
  • 2011 “Development, use and implications of diagnostic creativity assessment phone app, RDCA – Reisman Diagnostic Creativity Assessment.” (Co-presenter with L. Keiser, C. Schmitt and O. Otti, Drexel University), American Creativity Association (ACA) International Conference, April 1, Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale, FL.
  • 2010 “Relationship between creativity and academic achievement.” PA Coalition of Public Charter Schools’ Annual Instructional Practices Workshop, “Aligning Standards with Innovation & Creativity,” October 29, Philadelphia, PA.
  • 2010 Hathaway Brown School’s Education Innovation Summit, Nov. 4-6,Cleveland, Ohio

HONORS/AWARDS (selected)

  • 2002 –Present
    • Recipient, 2017 Torrance Award from the Creativity Network of the National Association for Gifted Children.
    • Appointed to the American Creativity Association (ACA) International Board - Treasurer 2012 and President 2012-2018.
  • 2002 Recipient, David Tanner Champion of Creativity Award, American Creativity Association, April 2002.
  • 2001 Recipient, New Millennium Foundation Technology Award, “Making Technology Work for You Conference,” Temple University, September 2001.
  • Psychology of Creativity
  • Neuroscience of Creativity
  • Learning K-8 mathematics
  • Becoming aware of creative strengths
  • Applying creativity and innovation to learning in educational and corporate settings
  • Applying creativity and innovation to engineering education
  • Creator and Program Director Creativity and Innovation Programs 
  • Professor, Multidisciplinary and Emerging Programs
  • Drexel/Torrance Center for Creativity & Innovation (2003-present)
  • Director
  • Drexel University, Goodwin College of Professional Studies (2009)
  • Interim Associate Dean for Research
  • Drexel University (2008)
  • Assistant Provost for Assessment & Evaluation
  • American Creativity Association (ACA) (2002-present)
  • President, Treasurer, Recipient ACA Champion of Creativity award
  • Drexel University, Goodwin College of Professional Studies, School of Education (1984-2003)
  • Director, Founder, Professor
  • Syracuse University Arithmetic Studies Center
  • First Clinical Teaching Fellow
Fredricka K. Reisman, PhD is founder of Drexel’s School of Education and Professor Emerita in the School of Education (SOE). Additionally, Dr. Reisman served as Assistant Provost for Assessment and Evaluation, Interim Associate Dean for Research of the Goodwin College, is Director of the Drexel/Torrance Center for Creativity and Innovation, and Creator of the SOE Creativity and Innovation programs.

She received her PhD in Mathematics Education from Syracuse University. Prior to coming to Philadelphia, served as Professor and Chair of the Division of Elementary Education at the University of Georgia and as an elementary, middle school, high school mathematics teacher in New York State, and mathematics education instructor at Syracuse University. She has an impressive record of external funding bringing her funding to more than $13,000,000 since 2002.

She is the author of several books including diagnostic teaching, teaching mathematics to children with special needs, elementary education pedagogy, mathematics pedagogy, and application of creativity and innovation to corporate situations. She has co-authored a trilogy of books with world-renowned creativity scholar and researcher, E. Paul Torrance, on teaching mathematics creatively. In addition to a nationally standardized K-3 mathematics test, she developed the Reisman Diagnostic Creativity Assessment (RDCA), a self-report assessment of research-based traits of creative strengths. Dr. Reisman is the Recipient of the 2017 Torrance Award from the Creativity Network of the National Association for Gifted Children and was awarded the national 2002 Champion of Creativity Award by the American Creativity Association (ACA), was appointed to the ACA national Board, served as ACA Treasurer and just completed her 5th year as ACA President. She was a virtual keynoter at the KIE conference held in Riga, Latvia in 2014 (see; Istanbul, Turkey in 2015; the 2016 KIE conference in Berlin and the 2018 KIE Conference in Prague. She is the KIE conference book editor for KIE conferences in London, Latvia, Turkey, Berlin, the 2017 Philadelphia conference, and the KIE conference in Prague. She loves plants and mentoring her students.