Joy Phillips - Drexel University Associate Clinical Professor for Educational Leadership and Management
Clinical Professor

Joy Phillips, PhD


PhD, The University of Texas at Austin
MA, Louisiana Tech University
BA, Louisiana Tech University

Program Affiliation

EdD, Educational Leadership and Management


Katz-Buonincontro, J., Phillips, J. C., & Witherspoon Arnold, N. (2015). Developing school leaders through the arts: New directions for teaching and research. Journal of School Leadership, 25(6), 1169-1202.

Phillips, J. C. (2013). Introduction to state-mandated principal preparation program redesign: Impetus for reform or invitation to chaos?  Journal of Research on Leadership Education, 8(2), 139-151.

Phillips, J. C. (2013).  Re-visioning a school administrator preparation program: A North Carolina case study. Journal of Research on Leadership Education., 8(2), 191-211.

Katz-Buonincontro, J., & Phillips, J. C. (2011). Art, its creation and leadership (can be) revealing and frightening: How school leaders learn to frame and solve problems through the arts.  International Journal of Leadership in Education, iFirst Art, 1-23.

Phillips, J. C. & Starratt, R. J. (2011).  What is a vision of learning? The need for a national conversation among the educational leadership professoriate. UCEA Review, 52(1), 33-38.

Phillips, J. C. (2003).  Powerful learning: Creating learning communities in urban school reform. Journal of Curriculum and Supervision, 18(2), 240-258. 


Benavente-McEnery, L., Bickham, B., Boske, C. A., Kahn, M., Foster, A., Markello, C., McCormack, S., McDonald, D., Mullins, H., Pedrana,  A. L., Phillips, J. C., Poimbeauf, R. P.,Witschonke, C., & Craig, C. J. (2009). The faculty academy: A place for grounding and growth. In C J. Craig & L F. Deretchin (Eds.), Teacher education yearbook XVII: Teacher learning in small group settings (pp. 343-366). Lanham, MD:  ScarecrowEducation.

Holland, P. E. & Phillips, J. C. (2005). Evaluation of schools: An expanded view. In L. W. Hughes (Ed.), Current issues in school leadership (pp. 125-143). Mahwah, NJ:  Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Phillips, J. C. (2005). Powerful learning: Creating learning communities in urban school reform. In G. Ponder & D. Strahan (Eds.), Deep change: Cases and commentaries on School Reform (pp. 87-106). Greenwich, CT:  Information Age Publishing.

Phillips, J. C., Reyes, P., Clarke, L. (2003). Building constructive partnerships in urban school reform. In B. J. Turnbull (Ed.), Research perspectives on school reform: Lessons from the Annenberg challenge (pp. 35-50). Providence, RI:  Annenberg Institute for School Reform.

Bradshaw, L. K. & Phillips, J. C. (2002). Learning what they need to know: School leaders' lessons of experience. In G. Perreault & F. C. Lunenburg (Eds.), The world of changing school administration (pp. 182-198). Lanham, MD:  Scarecrow Education.

Bradshaw, L. K. & Phillips, J. C. (2002). Women school leaders: Lessons of experience. In S. A. Korcheck & M. Reese (Eds.), Women as school executives: Research and reflections on educational leadership (pp. 196-203). Austin, TX: Texas Council of Women School Executives.



Phillips, J. C., & Katz-Buonincontro, J. (2017, July). Like a Circle in a Spiral, Like a Wheel within a Wheel: An Art Teacher Engages in Public School Reform. Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the British Educational Leadership, Management, and Administration Society (BELMAS), Stratford-on-Avon, Ettington, UK.

Phillips, J. C., Mawritz, K., & Lewis-Grant, K. (2017, June). EdD Program Innovation and Design in an Era of Accountability. Presentation at the semi-annual Carnegie Project on the Educational Doctorate (CPED) Convening, Pittsburgh, PA.

Hammrich, P., Mawritz, K., & Phillips, J. C. (2017, April). Drexel EdD as Program Innovation. CPED/SIG presentation at AERA. Ignite presentation at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), San Antonio, TX,

Phillips, J. C., Reames, E. H., & Hackman, D. G. (2015, April). The principal preparation program coordinator’s changing role: A multi-state cross-case analysis.  Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Chicago, IL.

Phillips, J. C. (2015, April). The educational leadership program coordinator in North Carolina. Paper presentation in symposium, From coordination to compliance: The principal preparation coordinator’s changing role, at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Chicago, IL.

Phillips, J. C., & Katz-Buonincontro, J. (2015, April).  Using drawing and doodling to deepen inter-subjectivity in the interview processPaper presentation at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Chicago, IL.

Phillips, J. C., & Ganter, S. L. (2014, November). Learning to be a learning community:  A university-new small high school collaboration to foster educational innovation. Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA), Washington, DC.

Phillips, J. C., & Katz-Buonincontro, J. (2014, October). Drawing while talking and thinking: Exploring the intersection between creativity and imagination. Paper presented at the first annual meeting of the International Creativity Collaborative, Athens, GA.

Phillips, J. C., Katz-Buonincontro, J., Witherspoon Arnold, N., & Boske, C. (2013, November). Mini-workshop on arts-based approaches to leadership preparation:  Using drawing, photo captioning and improvisational theatre . Session accepted for the annual meeting of the University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA), Indianapolis, IN.

Reames, E., Hackman, D., & Phillips, J. C. (2013). The educational leadership program coordinator: Changing times and changing role. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA), Indianapolis, IN.

Katz-Buonincontro, J., Phillips, J. C., & Witherspoon Arnold, N. (2013, April). Using the arts to promote social justice and vision-building skills in school leaders. Paper presented during the annual meeting of American Educational Research Association (AERA), San Francisco, CA.

Phillips, J. C., Kochan, F., Browne-Ferrigno, T., Mountford, M., Doolittle, G., & Reames, R. (2013, April). Impetus for reform or invitation for chaos? A cross-case analysis of state-mandated preparation program redesign. Paper presented during the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), San Francisco, CA.

Phillips, J. C. & Arnold, N. (2012). Using the arts to develop school leaders. Paper presented during the annual conference of the American Creativity Association, Philadelphia, PA.

  • Visionary Leadership in Theory and Practice
  • School Reform as Innovative Problem-Setting
  • Thinking Qualitatively about School Reform
  • Thinking about School Reform by Drawing
  • Educational Leadership Program Assessment
  • Associate Clinical Professor, Drexel University, School of Education, Policy, Organization, and Leadership Department (September 2016-to-date)
  • Educational Research Consultant, Greenville, NC (2013-2016)
  • Associate Professor, East Carolina University, College of Education, Department of Educational Leadership (2007-2013)
  • Assessment Coordinator, Graduate School, East Carolina University, Graduate School (2011-2013)
  • Assistant Professor, University of Houston (2002-2007)
  • Associate Director of the Houston Annenberg Challenge Research and Evaluation Project. The University of Texas at Austin (1999-2002)
  • National Head Start Research Scholar (1997-1999)
  • Director, Child Care Management Services Division, Austin Families, Inc., Austin, TX (1990-1994)
  • Director, Child Care Connections, Catholic Charities of Maine, Portland, ME (1988-1990)
  • Technical Project Director, Catholic Charities of Maine, Portland, ME (1986-1988)
  • Director, Public Relations, Charity Hospital of New Orleans, LA (1983-1985)
  • Staff Development Specialist, Charity Hospital of New Orleans, LA (1982-1983)
  • Hospital Education Supervisor, St. Joseph's Hospital, Minot, ND (1980-1981)
  • Medical Technologist, Veteran's Administration Medical Center, Shreveport, LA (1978-1979)
  • Medical Technologist, Barksdale Air Force Base Hospital, Bossier City, LA (1974-1978)
  • Medical Technologist, Louisiana State University Shreveport Medical Center (1973-1974)

Joy C. Phillips, PhD is a Clinical Professor for the Drexel University School of Education.  Her work focuses on guiding online Ed.D. students through the dissertation process to successful degree completion. Her research focuses on educational leadership, policy development and implementation, and school reform with emphasis on investigating the intended and unintended consequences of educational policy implementation.

She has a record of examining qualitatively intractable educational issues by redefining the problem, exploring underlying roots, experimenting with original teaching and research strategies, and building genuine university/public school partners.  Her work has been published in the Journal of School LeadershipJournal of Research on Leadership EducationInternational Journal of Leadership in EducationTorrance Journal for Applied Creativity, Journal of Curriculum and Supervision, and UCEA Review.

Her PhD, from the University of Texas at Austin, is in Educational Administration with a concentration in policy and planning. Previously, she was an Associate Professor at East Carolina University, Greenville, NC; and an Assistant Professor at the University of Houston, Houston, TX. 

Prior to joining academia, Dr. Phillips had a multi-disciplinary professional background that included leadership positions in healthcare and social services; from these experiences, she developed a passion for working collaboratively across disciplines and boundaries.

Dr. Phillips and her husband live in Greenville, NC, and they enjoy traveling, hiking, visiting art and other museums, and generally exploring.  They have two grown sons and 4 grandchildren: 3 in Texas and 1 in Georgia.