H. Bernard Hall, PhD Assistant Professor of Urban Teacher Education Drexel University School of Education
Assistant Professor of Urban Teacher Education

H. Bernard Hall, PhD


PhD, Temple University
MAC, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
BA, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor

Program Affiliation

PhD, Education
MS, Teaching Learning and Curriculum


  • Hall, H.B. (2017). Deeper than Rap: Expanding conceptions of hip-hop culture and pedagogy in the English language arts classroom. Research in the Teaching of English, 51(3), 341-350.
  • Hall, H.B. (2016). Welcome to The ‘Shop: Insights and reflections from teaching hip-hop-based spoken word poetry for social justice. English Teaching, Practice and Critique, (15)3, 394-410.

Book Chapters

  • Irby, D.J. and Hall, H.B. (2013). Moving beyond teacher-researcher perspectives in hiphop based education. In Hill, M.L. and Petchauer, E. (eds.) Schooling Hip-hop: Expanding Hip-hop Based Education Across the Curriculum. New York: Teachers College Press, 95-117.
  • Urban Teacher Education
  • Secondary English Education
  • Hip-hop Pedagogy
  • Anti-Black Educational Policy and Practice
  • Critical Ethnography
  • Critical Participatory Action Research
  • Drexel University (2020-present), Assistant Professor of Urban Teacher Education
  • West Chester University of Pennsylvania (2012-2020), Associate Professor of English Education
  • Philadelphia Art Sanctuary (2008-2012), Hip-hop Curator
  • Ypsilanti (MI) Public Schools (2004-2006), Assistant Principal; English Language Arts teacher

H. Bernard Hall, Phd is Assistant Professor of Urban Teacher Education at Drexel University in the Department of Teaching, Learning, and Curriculum. His teaching and research interests include urban teacher education and development, social justice-oriented approaches to secondary English education, hip-hop pedagogy, anti-Black educational policy and practice, and critical qualitative research. Dr. Hall has facilitated numerous professional and personal development workshops on anti-racist practice in public and independent K-12 schools, colleges/universities, and community-based organizations across the Delaware Valley. His scholarship on the intersections of hip-hop pedagogy and English education has been published in peer-reviewed academic journals such as Urban Education, International Journal of Multicultural Education, and Research in the Teaching of English, and featured at national conferences including the American Educational Research Association and National Council of Teachers of English.