Salvatore Falletta - Drexel University Associate Clinical Professor of Human Resource Development and MS in Educational Leadership and Management
Clinical Professor
Program Director for Human Resource Development

Salvatore Falletta, EdD


EdD, North Carolina State University
MPA, Indiana State University
BA, Eastern Washington University

Program Affiliation

MS, Human Resource Development
EdD, Educational Leadership and Management
  • Falletta, S. V. and Combs, W. L. (2018). The organizational intelligence model in context: A comparative analysis and case profile. OD Practitioner Journal, 50 (1), 22‐29.
  • Falletta, S. V., & Oshler, K. H. (2015). Should companies have free reign to use predictive analytics? HR Magazine, June, 26‐27.
  • Falletta, S. V. (2014). In search of HR intelligence: Evidence‐based HR analytics practices in high-performing companies. People & Strategy, 36 (4), 28‐37.
  • Ghosh, R., Dierkes, S., & Falletta, S. V. (2011). Incivility spiral in mentoring relationships: Reconceptualizing negative mentoring experiences as abusive workplace behavior. Advances in Developing Human Resources,13 (1), 22‐39.
  • Combs, W. L., & Falletta, S. V. (2009). Ready or not? Why change readiness assessment is crucial. International HR Information Management Journal, (February), 17‐20.
  • Falletta, S. V. (2008). Organizational intelligence surveys. Training & Development, (June), 52‐58.
  • Falletta, S. V., & Combs, W. L. (2001). Surveys as a tool for organization development and change. In A. Church & J. Waclawski (Eds.), Organization development: Data driven methods for change (78-102). San Francisco, CA: Jossey‐Bass – SIOP Professional Practice Series.
  • Combs, W. L., & Falletta, S. V. (2000). The targeted evaluation process: A performance consultant’s guide to asking the right questions and getting results you trust! Alexandria, VA: American Society for Training and Development Press.
  • Falletta, S. V., & Murphy Lamb, J. (1998). Evaluating training at the technical education centers: Nortel –Northern Telecom. In J. J. Phillips (Ed.), In action: Implementing evaluation systems and processes (155-177). Alexandria, VA: American Society for Training and Development Press.
  • Falletta, S. V., & Combs, W. L. (1998). Evaluating technical training: A functional approach. Info‐line. American Society for Training and Development Press.
  • Assessing the validity and reliability of organizational causal models and concomitant survey instruments
  • Alternative HRD evaluation models, frameworks, and taxonomies (e.g., Evidence-Based Evaluation)
  • Ethical and privacy issues associated with HR, people, talent, workforce, and learning analytics
  • Antecedents of employee, job, and work engagement
  • Consequences of leader disengagement
  • Workforce education and development

  • Leadersphere, President & CEO (2005 – 2009)
  • Atmel Corporation, Vice President & Chief HR Officer (2004 – 2005)
  • SAP AG, Sr. Director, Human Resources & Chief Learning Officer (2001 – 2002)
  • Intel Corporation, Manager, Global HR Research & Analytics (1999 – 2001)
  • Alltel, Manager, Training & Development (1998 – 1999)
  • Nortel Networks, Sr. Consultant, Training Measurement & Evaluation (1996 – 1998)
  • North Carolina State University, Associate Director, National Initiative for Leadership and Institutional Effectiveness (NILIE) (1995 – 1996)
  • Indiana State University, Accounting Specialist (1993 – 1995)
  • United States Air Force (1981 – 1992)

Dr. Salvatore Falletta joined Drexel in 2009 and serves as a Clinical Professor of Human Resource Development, Educational Leadership and Management, and Quantitative Methods. Dr. Falletta is currently Program Director for Human Resource Development (HRD) and was the former Director for the HRD program from 2009 to 2014.

Dr. Falletta has over 20 years’ experience in human resources, learning and development, and organization development. Prior to Drexel, he was a Vice President and Chief HR Officer for a Fortune 1000 firm based in the Silicon Valley and has held management positions in human resources at several best-in-class companies, including Nortel Networks, Alltel, Intel Corporation, SAP AG, and Sun Microsystems respectively. While at Intel, Dr. Falletta led the global employee survey program, performed leadership development assessments and organizational behavior research studies, and participated in corporate HR strategy efforts. He also led the learning measurement and evaluation function at Nortel Network's Technical Education Centers. Prior to his corporate career, Dr. Falletta was an administrator at Indiana State University and served over 10 years in the U.S. Air Force (USAF).

Dr. Falletta frequently presents at conferences and has authored or co-authored several books, book chapters, and articles. His research interests include the ethical and privacy issues associated with HR, people, talent, workforce, and learning analytics, evidence-based management and practice, HRD measurement and evaluation models, workforce development, organizational diagnostic models, employee engagement, leader engagement and disengagement, and workforce surveys.

Dr. Falletta is an active member the Academy of Human Resource Development, American Educational Research Association, American Evaluation Association, Association for Talent Development, HR People and Strategy, Society for Human Resource Management, and the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology.

On a personal note, Dr. Falletta was a nationally ranked track runner (1500 and 5000 meters) at the NCAA Division I level during 1980s. He resides in Northern California with his wife (Wendy) and daughter (Sabrina).