James Connell
Associate Professor

James E. Connell, Jr., PhD, NCSP


PhD, and MA, Louisiana State University, School of Psychology
BA, Temple University

Program Affiliation

EdS, School Psychology
MS, Special Education
MS, Applied Behavioral Analysis

Research Publications, peer reviewed:

  • Lyall, K., Rando, J., Toroni, B., Ezeh, T., Constantino, J. N., Croen, L. A., Garvin, B., Piselli, K., Connell, J., Kaat, A. J., Newschaffer, C. J., & On behalf of program collaborators for Environmental influences on Child Health Outcomes. (2022). Examining shortened versions of the Social Responsiveness Scale for use in autism spectrum disorder prediction and as a quantitative trait measure: Results from a validation study of 3–5 year old children. JCPP Advances, e12106. https://doi.org/10.1002/jcv2.12106
  • Day-Watkins J, Pallathra A, Malley C., Ackerman D., Bridkin E., & Connell JE. (2020). Using Adaptive Compueter-Based Instruction to Teach Staff to Implememt a Social Skills Intervention. Journal of Organizational and Behavior Management.
  • Sances, J., Day-Watkins, J., Connell, J. E., (2019). Teaching an adult with autism spectrum disorder to use an activity schedule during a vocational beekeeping task. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 12, pages 435–439.
  • Legido, A., Goldenthal, M.J., Garvin, B., Damle, S., Corrigan, K., Connell, J., Thao, D., Valencia, I., Melvin, J., Khurana, D., Grant, M., Newschaffer, C. (2018) Effect of a Combination of Carnitine, Coenzyme Q10 and Alpha-Lipoic Acid (MitoCocktail) on Mitochondrial Function and Neurobehavioral Performance in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Neurology 90 (15 Supplement) P3.313.
  • Todorow, C., Connell, J. E., Turchi, R. M. (2018). The medical home for children with autism spectrum disorder: an essential element whose time has come. Current Opinion in Pediatrics. 30(2):311-317. 
  • Day-Watkins, J., Pallathra, A., Connell, J. E., & Brodkin, E. (2017). Behavior skills training with voice-over instruction. (In Press) Journal of Organizational and Behavior Management
  • Sances, J., Day-Watkins, J., Connell, J. E., (2017). Teaching an adult with autism spectrum disorder to use an activity schedule during a vocational beekeeping task. (In review).
  • Souders M, Zavodny S, Erikson W, Sinko R, Connell JE, Kerns C, Shaaf R, & Pinto-Marin J. (2017). Sleep in Children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder. Current Psychiatry Reports, 19(6): 34.
  • Robins D, Adamson L, Barton M, Connell JE, Mathiue T, Dorkin P, Fein D, Greenstein M, Hsu H, Kerns C, Newschaffer C, Plumb J, Shattuck P, Turchi R, & Vivanti G. (2016). Universal Autism Screening for Toddlers: Recommendations at Odds. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 46(5), 1880-1882.
  • Rosen, T.E., Connell, J.E., & Kerns, C.M. (2016). A Review of Behavioral Interventions for Anxiety-Related Behaviors in Lower-Functioning Individuals with Autism. Behavioral Interventions. 31(2), 120-143.
  • Kerns, C. M., Roux, A., Connell, J. E., & Shattuck, P. (2016). Adapting cognitive behavioral techniques to address anxiety and depression in cognitively-able emerging adults on the autism spectrum. Behavioral Therapy.
  • Codding R, Mercer S, Connell JE, Fiorello C, & Kleinert K. (2015). The Relationships among Basic Facts, Concepts and Application, and Common Core Curriculum-Based Mathematics Measures. School Psychology Review.
  • Malone C, Connell J, Fiorello C. (2015). Development and Initial Examination of the School Psychology Multicultural Competence Scale. Contemporary School Psychology.
  • Stahmer A, Reed S, Lee E, Reisinger E, Connell J, Mandell D. (2014). Training Community Teachers to use Evidence-Based Practice: The Issue of Fidelity of Implementation. (in print)
  • Pellecchia M, Connell JE, Kerns CM, Xie M, Mandell, DS. (2015). Child Characteristics Associated with Outcome in a School-Based Behavioral Intervention. Autism: The International Journal of Research and Practice.
  • Pellecchia M, Connell JE, Beidas, R, Marcus S, Xie M, & Mandell DS. (2015). Dismantling the active ingredients of an intervention for children with autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.
  • Day J & Connell JE. (2014) Establishing a Generalized Repertoire of Helping Behavior
    in Adolescents with Autism: A Replication. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, v47, 850-855. 
  • Pisacreta, J.; Tincani, M.; Connell, J.E.; & Axelrod, S. (2011  ). Increasing teachers’ Use of a 1:1 Praise to behavior Correction Ratio to Decrease Student Disruption in General Education Classrooms. Behavioral Interventions, 26, 243-339.
  • Pellecchia, M.; Connell, J.E.; Eisenhart, D.; Kane, M.; Schoener, C.; Turkel, K.; Riley, M.; & Mandell, D.S. (2011  ). Group Performance Feedback: Consultation to Increase Classroom Team Data Collection, Journal of School Psychology, 49, 411-431.
  • Kane, M.; Connell, J.E.; & Pellecchia, M. (2010). A Quantitative analysis of language interventions for children with autism. The Behavior Analyst Today, 11, 128-144.
  • Connell, J.E. (2010). Applications of performance feedback: Consultation in the home. International Journal of Behavioral Consultation and Therapy, 6, 17-23.
  • Cabellero, A.; Connell, J.E. (2010). Evaluation of the effects of social cue cards for preschool age children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). Journal of Behavior Assessment and Intervention in Children, 1, 25-42.
  • Handler, M.H.; Rey, J.; Connell, J.E.; Their, K.; Putnam, B. (2007). Practical considerations in creating school-wide positive behavior support in public schools. Psychology in the Schools, 44, 29-40.
  • Noell, G.H.; Witt, J.C.; Slider, N.J.; Connell, J.E.; Williams, K.L.; Resetar, J.L.; Koenig, J.L. (2005). Treatment implementation following behavioral consultation in schools: A comparison of three follow-up strategies. School Psychology Review, 34, 87-106.


  • Connell JE, Pellecchia M., Vorndran CM. (2013). Classroom interventions for youth with Pervasive Developmental Disorders/Autism Spectrum Disorders. In Weist M, Lever N, Bradshaw C, and Owens J (Eds.).Handbook of School Mental Health, Second Edition. Springer.
  • Connell JE, Souders M, Kerns C. (2015). Interdisciplinary care for individuals with ASD: Thoughts on how to integrate behavioral health in the medical home. In Giarelli E and Fisher K (Eds). Integrated health care for people with autism spectrum disorders: Interdisciplinary planning and delivery of care.
  • Richardson, R., Tecce DeCarlo, M.J., Connell, J., Grant, A., Lee, V., & Wallace, B. (2016). Partnering with a Promise Academy: the McMichael - Drexel -Mantua Civic Association. In Slater, J., Ravid, R.M. & Reardon, R.M. Building and Maintaining Collaborative Communities: Schools, University, and Community Organizations. New York: Routledge. 
  • Reisman, F., Maliko-Abraham, H., Keiser, L., Severino, L., Connell, J.E. (in press). The Power of Creativity Applied to Folks with Autism, Dyslexia and/or Dyscalculia. Creativity, Innovation and Wellbeing KIE 2017 Conference book. Philadelphia, PA: KIE Publication Conference Series. 
  • Codding, R.; Connell, J.E. (2008). Preparing educators to use curriculum-based measurement. In Kowalski TJ & Lasley TJ. (Eds.). Handbook on data-based decision making in education (pp. 136-152). New York: Routledge.
  • Connell, J.E.; Pellecchia, M.; Vorndran, C.M. (2012  ). Classroom interventions for youth with Pervasive Developmental Disorders/Autism Spectrum Disorders.  In Weist M, Lever N,  Bradshaw  C, and Owens J (Eds.).Handbook of School Mental Health, Second Edition. Springer. (in print)
James Connell, PhD, (Louisiana State University) Associate Professor. Nationally Certified School Psychologist, Board Certified Behavior Analyst- Doctoral. Founding Clinical Core Director, A.J. Drexel Autism Institute, Founding Director ABA and School Psychology graduate programs. Identifying the variables that influence adult behavior change in community settings; autism intervention; widespread dissemination of evidence-based interventions in school and community settings.

  • University of Pennsylvania, School of Medicine (2010-12)
    Research Associate
  • Eastern Region Autism Service Education Research and Training (ASERT) (2011  -present)
    Clinical Director, Bureau of Autism Services, PA DPW
  • Temple University Psycho-educational Clinic (2010-11)
    Psychology Resident
  • Temple University, College of Education (2007-10)
    Assistant Professor (tenure track)
  • Temple University, College of Education, Applied Behavior Analysis Program (2007-10)
    Affiliated Assistant Professor
  • Children’s Seashore House—Philadelphia (1996-98)
    Clinical Assistant
  • May Institute (2003-04)
    APA Accredited Internship

Lectures by Invitation:

  • Summer 2017  Links between Secondary Services and Adult Services. Workshop at the Penn State Autism Conference
  • Spring 2017  Transitioning Toward and Through Adulthood. Keynote address at LaSalle University Autism Conference. 
  • Fall 2012  Bridging the Divide: Implementing Evidence-Based Practice in Community Settings, Center for Autism and Related Disorders at Kennedy Krieger Institute
  • Fall 2012  We’re all in the is together now: Behavioral Consultation for the Behavior Analyst, Melmark Distinguished Lecture Series
  • Fall 2012  Applied Behavior Analysis and Autism, Chestnut Hill College Autism Program
  • Fall 2012  Evidence-based Interventions and Therapies to treat Autism Spectrum Disorder, Southeastern Pennsylvania Mental Health Association
  • Summer 2012  Bridging the Divide: Implementing Evidence-Based Practice in Community Settings, Wisconsin Association for Behavior Analysis
  • Spring 2012   Evidence-based interventions for individuals with autism spectrum disorder. University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing graduate training program.
  • Spring, 2012  Using school-based consultation and dissemination science to increase implementation of evidenced-based interventions in autistic support classrooms. Inaugural presentation of the Rider University Applied Behavior Analysis Program Distinguished Lecture Series
  • Winter 2011  School Psychology Research Collaboration Conference for Early Career Scholars, Panel Discussion for new scholars.
  • Winter 2011  Functional Behavioral Assessment and Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support, Community Behavioral Health
  • Fall 2011  Autism Interventions for the Classroom, the STAR Curriculum, Elwyn Co.
  • Fall 2011  Applied Behavior Analysis and Autism, Chestnut Hill College Autism Program
  • Fall 2011  Functional Behavioral Assessment and behavioral interventions for persons with autism spectrum disorder. Invited presentation Community Behavioral Health Care Managers.
  • Fall 2011  Educational and Behavioral Interventions: Managing Behavior using behavior Analysis. Invited presentation delivered to the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and related Disorders (LEND) program.
  • Fall 2011  Evidence-based interventions in autistic support classrooms. Invited presentation to Elwyn classroom staff.


  • Bloomfield, A.; Connell, J.E.; Fiorello, C. (2012  ). Identifying Gifted Students Using CBM Procedures and RTI Processes. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the National Association of School Psychologist, Philadelphia.
  • Day, J. & Connell, J.E. (2012  ). Establishing a Generalized Repertoire of Helping Behavior in Adolescents With Autism: A Replication. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavior Analysis conference, Seattle.
  • Pellecchia, M.; Cross, E.; Connell, J.E. (2011  ). Comparisons of Discrete Trial and Incidental Teaching for Children with Autism Based on Cognitive Levels. Symposium presented at the international meeting for the Association for Behavior Analysis International, Denver.
  • McMullen, L.; Connell, J.E.; Manfredi, R. (2011  ). IQ as An Outcome Measure In Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: What Are We Measuring? Poster presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research, San Diego.
  • Malone, C. & Connell, J.E. (2011  ). Evaluating the Validity of Vocabulary Matching CBM Probes in Mathematics. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the National Association of School Psychologist, San Francisco.
  • Cross E, Rotheram-Fuller E, Connell JE, Aguilar S, Pellecchia M, & Greenwell, R. (2011  ). Integrating Academic and Social Progress Monitoring. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the National Association of School Psychologist, San Francisco.
  • Connell JE, Codding R, Aguilar S, Cross , Archer J, Ardoin S (2010). Math computation instruction: Does it generalize to applied problems. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the National Association of School Psychologist, Chicago.
  • Codding R, Connell JE, Fiorello C, Aguilar S, Cross E, Picanco B (2010). Extending beyond computation: Technical adequacy of curriculum-based mathematics measures. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the National Association of School Psychologist, Chicago.
  • Pellecchia M, Connell JE, Eisenhart D, Kane M, Schoener C, Turkel K (2010). Group performance feedback: Consultation to a classroom autistic support team. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the National Association of School Psychologist, Chicago.
  • Hinchey M, Connell JE, Pellecchia M, Hineline P, Mansfield R, MacDonald R, Johnson, C, Langer S, Ahearn W (2009). Best practices and social validity issues in providing services to children with autism. (Presenter). Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavior Analysis conference, Phoenix.
  • Connell, J.E. (2008). Universal behavioral supports: Evaluating the sustainability of systems level support. (Presenter). Poster presented at the 1st Annual ABAI Conference, Reston, Va.
  • Connell JE, Haverstick L, Rodichock T, Boyer J, Noell G (2008). Increasing frequency and quality of consultation contact with technology. (Presenter). Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the National Association of School Psychologist, New Orleans.
  • Connell, J. E. (2007). Positive behavioral supports: Some practical considerations. Invited Presentation at the Association of School Psychologists of Pennsylvania. 

Dr. Connell has his PhD and master’s degree in School Psychology from Louisiana State University, the number 2 ranked School Psychology program in the country, and completed his studies with an American Psychological Association Internship at the May Institute in Boston. In addition, Dr. Connell is a Board-Certified Behavior Analyst at the Doctoral Level, and a Nationally Certified School Psychologist. Dr. Connell has dedicated twenty plus years to underserved populations in underserved communities. His research spans response-to-intervention, school-wide positive behavioral intervention and supports, academic level and rate of growth in K-5, education equity through proactive models of support, and consultation in community settings. In addition to general education and special education research through the lens of school psychology, Dr. Connell has numerous publications in building better interventions for those with an autism exceptionality.

Dr. Connell has significant experience as an expert witness, across multiple states and multiple age ranges, for families and organizations that serve others in educational, group home, hospital and clinical settings. He is widely published, and considered expert in the areas of autism, developmental disabilities, early intervention, and consultation to behavioral health, hospital/clinic and education agencies. Prior appointments include the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine with a joint appointment at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, and Temple University.