School of Education Strategic Plan


In the Drexel University School of Education, we prepare students of all backgrounds for success in the wide range of subjects in education. Through innovative degree, certificate, and continuing education programs, Drexel supports its students at each level of their educational journey.

Our 2021-2026 Strategic Plan sets bold goals for the next five years. From building on new programs and curriculum, to expanding research and civic engagement, the School of Education aims to become an international leader in teaching, learning and research in the years to come. I invite you to explore our Strategic Plan below and see how we plan to achieve our goals.


The School of Education's values center around three core areas: Equity – Ethics – Excellence

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Our Vision

The School of Education is committed to being a global leader of innovative research, teaching, and practice to support learning with transformative impact on society.

Our Mission

The School of Education promotes a creative and innovative mindset through our research, teaching, learning and service that addresses the evolving educational and societal needs of diverse communities.

*Communities: students, partners, alumni, faculty, and staff


Continue to grow as an Intellectual Center of Pedagogical Innovation

Functions as a catalyst for transformation in teaching, learning, research, and service with an emphasis on enhancing leadership in complex environments.

  • Prepare learners for the evolving realities of tomorrow through the reconceptualization of teaching and learning.
  • Cultivate a culture of research and scholarship of teaching and learning. 

Promote The Educational Passport to the Future as a Distinguished Initiative

Creates a pathway to lifelong learning competencies and opportunities.

  • Provide knowledge, skills, and experiences to support personal and professional development for career transitions and advancements.
  • Provide a combination of credit and non-credit programs to achieve critical competencies and earn degrees, certifications, and micro-credentials.

Evolve as a Leader in Urban, Community and Global Education

Cultivate partnerships that sustain urban and global communities through shared resources.

  • Build upon and expanding the success of existing partnerships and engagements with a variety of organizations, industries, and educational institutions.
  • Foster creative and innovative strategies for effectively meeting the challenges facing global learning environments in all settings.
  • Maintain currency and innovative strategies and practices for undergraduate and graduate teacher/admin preparation. 

Further develop as a Hub for Civic Engagement Initiatives

Serves as a leader in developing and sustaining practices that promote social justice, diversity, equity, and inclusion.

  • Develop, implement, and sustain leaders who participate in and take action to address inequities.
  • Engage communities to foster successful, positive and asset-based initiatives.

Expand as an Incubator for Research and Innovation

Nurtures a culture of teaching and learning that embodies creativity, innovation, leadership, research and scholarship.

  • Promote experiential learning that drives ideation and implementation.
  • Leverage experiences of the Community members to explore, pursue, and evaluate initiatives.

Cultivate new Financial Resources

Support all endeavors through increased revenue via student recruitment, fund raising, and funded research.

  • Grow net resources by offering market driven products and services.
  • Increase philanthropic contributions.
  • Increase funded projects to yield money to support the research/other endeavors and expenses.
  • Increase recruitment and admission of undergraduate and graduate students. 


Enabling Our Goals

A Strong and Sustainable Resource Base to support our achievement of the preceding strategic goals and to develop a strong foundation for the School of Education (SoE) in the coming years and into its future, we will:

Continue to grow the SoE as an Intellectual Center of Pedagogical Innovation

Promote The Educational Passport to the Future as a Distinguished Initiative of the SoE

Evolve as a Leader in Urban, Community and Global Education

Further develop the SoE as a Hub for Social Justice and Civic Engagement Initiatives

Expand the SoE as an Incubator for Research and Innovation

Cultivate financial resources to support all endeavors in the SoE through increased revenue