Online Learning Industry Leaders

Any good online learning definition will describe how an institution’s curriculum is accessible to students via the internet, but will tell you very little about the experience of pursuing your education online. When you are able to find the right programs for your goals, an online education can provide a campus-like experience without sacrificing quality of the curriculum, students benefit from decades of online learning experience from world-class instructors with all the convenience of learning from home.

If you are considering earning a degree online, Drexel University can provide you with everything you need to know. Simply request information about our wealth of online education programs and learn more about which may be the right choice to expand your educational horizons and career opportunities.

What is Online Learning?

The history of online learning in higher education goes back to the late 1980s, but the first fully accredited online universities only came into existence in the mid ‘90s. Today, it is estimated that more than a quarter of all students have taken at least one online course, a figure which continues to steadily rise.

What is online learning, exactly? It is not the same as e-learning, which is a broader concept that involves using digital tools for education. Online learning also differs from remote learning, which attempts to fully recreate the classroom environment, right down to scheduled classes and group activities. Instead, online learning aims at taking full advantage of the flexibility of the internet to help students access a wider array of educational resources and a greater sense of self-direction.


For most students, adaptability is one of the strongest benefits of online learning. Since online programs enable students to approach their education at their own pace, they can make it far easier to earn your degree while managing other life responsibilities.

Earning the same degree you would earn in a traditional learning environment, you also find the same advantages. Online learning allows for more one-on-one attention, tuition costs are often lower, and you can gain access to the same highly qualified educators you'd find in a traditional program.

How effective is online learning in higher education? Studies show that online courses are just as effective at teaching students as lecture halls and classrooms. Provided that you're taking courses from an accredited institution like Drexel, there is effectively very little difference between an online program and an offline program when it comes to the degree you earn or the skills you develop while learning, as well as the perception of earning your degree online as opposed to in a traditional campus-based setting.

Drexel’s Online Learning Leadership

Since its inception more than a century ago, Drexel University has maintained a commitment to technological innovation. As an early adopter of both eLearning and online learning, Drexel has more than two decades of experience building more than 150 online programs. That includes many professional certificates as well as opportunities in online learning higher education. Those programs utilize the same accredited curriculum and experienced faculty as our on-campus offerings, helping ensure the same high standards of quality are maintained between the web and campus.

Online Teaching and Learning System

Our online teaching and learning system allows students to take advantage of online resources like Blackboard, while maintaining the core components and learning experience of a traditional program. Drexel's School of Education recognizes the necessity of accessible faculty in the field of education, allowing for greater student and instructor interactions. With our program, your teachers are available when you have the time for them, so your education never cuts corners.

Learn more about earning your degree online with Drexel’s School of Education.