Invest in the Drexel University School of Education

Students engaged at Drexel’s School of Education learn through experience, instructed by faculty and staff who are developing transformative and innovative approaches to solving complex problems in and out of the classroom. A gift to the School of Education not only is an investment in our work. Your support directly impacts our students, enabling them to contribute to the growth and development of our programs and enhancing their personal pursuits of becoming an educator, an advocate, or a leader in an extraordinary field: Education.

Thank you for considering a gift to the School of Education. Below are a number of areas that are priorities for the School. To make your gift online, click on the "Make a Gift" button. If you would like to send a check, please make it out to Drexel University, list your fund designation(s) in the memo line, and mail to:

Drexel University
P.O. Box 8215
Philadelphia, PA 19101-9684


Steve Rudenstein
Assistant VP of Development

Dean’s Strategic Fund

Drexel University's School of Education is committed to ensuring that each student, and each faculty and staff member is poised to reach their potential as a member of the School of Education ecosystem. A gift to the Dean’s Strategic Fund will provide critical support to individuals working on special projects. This includes stipends and funds for materials and tools that enable individuals to advance their teaching and learning opportunities.

Dean’s Scholarship Fund

The School of Education encourages support from alumni, friends, philanthropists, and organizations who are equally committed to helping students with the cost of college through scholarship assistance. Annually, high-need Philadelphia students—and those who make a commitment to becoming a teacher in a high need and/or urban school district—will be eligible to receive an award at the discretion of the Dean.

Dr. Kenneth Mawritz Memorial EdD Research Award

Drexel University's School of Education honors the legacy of the late Dr. Kenneth Mawrtiz, a beloved professor and one of the founders of the School of Education's EdD program. This award is given to a current EdD student who demonstrates the joy of learning and shares this passion with others at Drexel University. 

Dr. Terrence Daniels Memorial EdD Award

Terrence Daniels, a beloved student in the EdD program tragically passed away in the summer of 2019. This award celebrates his commitment to equity and social justice. The award is presented annually to one EdD student who demonstrates a strong commitment to disrupting systemic inequities in education.

Make a Gift

*If you would like to make a donation to the Dr. Kenneth Mawritz or Dr. Terrence Daniels Memorial Awards, please enter your donation amount in the "other" line.