CAEP Accreditation

Drexel University School of Education


The Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) granted accreditation to Drexel University School of Education educator preparation programs at the initial and advanced levels. 

CAEP is the only national accreditor for educator preparation that has been recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation since its inception.

  • Vision: Excellence in educator preparation accreditation.
  • Mission: CAEP advances equity and excellence in educator preparation through evidence-based accreditation that assures quality and supports continuous improvement to strengthen P-12 student learning.

CAEP Initial Level Standards 

Initial certification/licensure areas consist of Elementary Education (grades PK-4; PK-4 and Special Education); Elementary Education-Middle Level 4-8 (with Math and English; Math and Science; Science and English certification options); Secondary Education (Biology, Chemistry, Earth and Space Science, English, General Science, Mathematics, Physics and Social Studies); and Special Education PK-12. All initial areas are offered as both undergraduate and post-baccalaureate programs of study.

Standard 1: Content and Pedagogical Knowledge

Standard 2: Clinical Partnerships and Practice

Standard 3: Candidate Recruitment, Progression, and Support

Standard 4: Program Impact

Standard 5: Quality Assurance System and Continuous Improvement

Standard 6: Fiscal and Administrative Capacity

Standard 7: Record of Compliance with Title IV of the Higher Education Act

CAEP Advanced Level Standards

Advanced certification/licensure areas consist of Instructional Technology Specialist, Reading Specialist, and School Psychology. The School Principal and Superintendent course of study is administered by the Educational Administration program but resides as a concentration track in the EdD program.

Standard RA.1: Content and Pedagogical Knowledge

Standard RA.2: Clinical Partnerships and Practice

Standard RA.3: Candidate Quality and Selectivity

Standard RA.4: Satisfaction with Preparation

Standard RA.5: Quality Assurance System and Continuous Improvement

Standard RA.6: Fiscal and Administrative Capacity

Standard RA.7: Record of Compliance with Title IV of the Higher Education Act